‘The Bachelor’ January 13, 2020 Eliminated Lauren, Payton, & Courtney (Recap)

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, January 13,2020, “The Bachelor” aired its second episode of its 24th season, and a few more unlucky women did indeed get eliminated during it. There was also a lot of drama that went down between a couple of the ladies.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with the continuation of Peter’s debacle with his former Bachelorette 2019 flame Hannah Brown. They talked and talked some more. At one point, Peter told Hannah, “You’re the one that said no to me. I never said no to you.” Hannah said, “I regret the decisions I made on my season.”
At this point, the other women on the group date were seen complaining, especially Natasha. They got back to Peter telling Hannah,” I wonder if you’re just missing the what ifs and not me.” Hannah said, “Maybe, I don’t know, but to say that’s all it is would be a lie.”
Eventually, Peter finally told Hannah, “I can’t do this.” Then they gave each other one last hug goodbye.
After all of that,Peter definitely had some explaining to do to all the women that were on that group date. Peter told them he needed some time to clear his head ,and that he would meet back up with them later.
The women on this group date went back and complained and expressed doubts in Peter. Natasha was one of the main ones saying, “It’s not ok with me if Peter is still attached to Hannah Brown. I want a Peter that is fully over her.”
Peter did eventually come back and tell all the group date women that he’s ready to put Hannah in the past and move forward. He told the women he was sorry over and over again to the point that I easily lost count.
Natasha was straight up with Peter. She told him she was upset about the whole Hannah Brown thing. Peter said he appreciated how direct Natasha is, and that he is totally putting Hannah Brown in the past. Natasha giggled as she really liked that answer.
Peter and Sydney had a good conversation that ended with a passionate kiss. Mykenna and Peter also had a good chit chat that ended with a kiss. But , at the end of the day, it was Sydney who impressed Peter the most. So, she got the group date rose.
Next, Peter greeted all the other women at the cocktail Party to explain what happened with Hannah Brown during the group date, and he reassured them that he’s ready to happily continue getting to know all of them. After that, Peter talked with Lexi. There conversation went well, and they ended up kissing.
Peter talked with Mykenna, but Kelsey expressed that she was really ticked off about it. Kelsey confronted Mykenna saying, “You already spent time with Peter earlier, and then you took even more time away” or something along those lines.
Mykenna immediately tried to apologize to Kelsey, but she wasn’t having it. Kelsey kept telling Mykenna, “You disrespected me! You made your bed, and you’re gonna have to lay in it! Don’t expect any sympathy from me!”
It was crazy because all that time Kesley was yelling at Mykenna, she could have been spending it talking to Peter because the cocktail party was still going on. It’s so strange how some people easily lose focus.
Anyways, Peter talked with Madison, and he gave her gift, which was a picture of them when they were at Peter’s parent’s vow renewal during their first 1 on 1 date. Madison said she loved it, and they kissed.
Next, Kelsey started up some more drama. This time, it was with Hannah Ann. Hannah Ann had apparently unknowingly taken Kelsey’s special champagne bottle that she was saving for Peter. Then she went and popped the cork with Peter.
Once Kelsey realized this, she walked up to Peter and Hannah Ann and said, “Excuse me!” Then she cried and ran off saying,”Everyone keeps stealing moments with Peter from me!”
This was crazy because everyone is just talking to Peter while she sits around and talks to the other girls. She never even tried to talk to Peter. All she did was talk about how she plans to talk to Peter instead of actually doing it.
Actually, Peter tried to go talk to Kelsey after she had her hissy fit, and she said she didn’t want to talk to him. So, she clearly has major issues.
Kelsey kept saying, “No, I’m not ok.” Then Kelsey went and confronted Hannah Ann again while she was with Peter. Hannah Ann said,”I had know idea that was your bottle.”
Then Peter took Kesley to the side to open up a new champagne bottle saying, “I don’t want to see you hurt right now.” They proceeded to drink from the bottle, but Kelsey spit up her champagne at one point. Peter said, “Are you ok.” Shortly after that, Kelsey ran off to confront Hannah Ann again.
She told a very apologetic Hannah Ann, “You’re fake and calculated. I’m over you.” Hannah Ann tried to explain their was a mix up with the bottles, but Kelsey wasn’t having it ,and she called Hannah Ann a fake b#@tch! It was nuts, guys. Totally nuts. I guess every season has to have one of these friggin nut cases.
Tammy told the private cams, “Kelsey is a hot mess, and I hope Peter sees that. It’s time for her to go home.”
Next, Peter passed out the roses at the rose ceremony. Mykenna, Victoria P, Natasha, Jasmine, Sarah, Lexi, Hannah Ann, Alexa, Tammy, Alayah, Deandra, Victoria F, Shiann, Kiarra, Savannah and Kesley all got roses to join Sydney, Madison and Kelley who received roses earlier during this round.
That meant poor Lauren Jones, Payton Moran, and Courtney Perry did not receive a rose and were sent packing.
Next, they showed another group date. Peter took Alexa Caves, Hannah Ann Sluss, Lexi Buchanan, Kelsey Weier, Mykenna Dorn, Deandra Kanu, Natasha Parker, and Victoria Fuller to the Academy LA. Fashion show.
During it, the girls had to walk a modeling runway. They were judged by celebrity judges Carson Kressley and Janice Dickinson for their style, technique and personality.
Victoria F started crying at one point because she had a lot of self doubts. Eventually, it came down to Victoria F and Hannah Ann for the win, and Hannah Ann was victorious. She won a new wardrobe for her efforts.
At the afterparty, Victoria F was seen expressing her self doubts to Peter, and Peter was very reassuring to Victoria telling her, ” You have all of me when we are together.” At one point, Victoria cried on Peter’s shoulder after talking about how hard this process is.
Next, we saw this vicious Kelsey girl go at Hannah Ann again. Kelsey kept telling Hannah Ann how fake she thinks she is and so on and so forth.
Eventually, Hannah Ann had enough to the point that she went and told Peter that Kelsey is constantly bullying her. Peter told Hannah Ann that’s not ok, and he also reassured her that he doesn’t think she’s a champagne stealer. Then he gave her a kiss. Next, Peter revealed that Victoria F got the group date rose.
After that, Peter pulled Kelsey to the side to confront her about the bullying claims Hannah Ann had just brought to his attention. He went on to tell Kelsey, “That’s not ok with me.”
Kelsey responded by telling Peter, “That’s not the case. I think Hannah Ann knew exactly what she was doing when she took that champagne bottle.”
At this point, Peter told Kelsey that he feels confused since he’s getting two different stories. And, that was it for this episode.
We’re going to see what Peter ultimately decides to do about this crazy Hannah Ann and Kelsey situation in the next, new episode 3. Episode is scheduled to air next Monday night, January 20, 2020 in the same 7 pm to 9 pm central standard time slot.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelor” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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