Big Brother 22 Spoilers: August 24, 2020 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back on here on this Monday afternoon to give you guys a brand new update from inside the Big Brother season 22,All-Stars house. Earlier today, August 24, 2020, the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony did indeed take place.
So, we’re going to give the results of that. Before we do, we’re going to do a brief recap of this week to make sure everyone is up to speed.
This past Thursday, August 20, 2020, Tyler won the HOH (Head Of Household) competition to become the new head honcho of the house. On Friday, August 21, 2020, Enzo won the Saftey Suite twist comp, and he picked Christmas to be his +1, making them both safe from eviction this week.
Shortly after the Safety Suite twist comp, Tyler made his nominations for eviction. They turned out to be none other than the old school legends Janelle and Kaysar.
On Saturday, August 24, 2020, the POV (Power Of Veto) comp was played, and Cody ended up winning it. So, that all brings us to today’s POV ceremony.
When it was all said and done, it was revealed that Cody did indeed not use it to save Janelle or Kaysar. So, they are definitely the final nominees for this week, and one of them will get voted out this Thursday night, August 27, 2020.
From what we’ve learned on the LIVE feeds, it appears that the votes are definitely leaning towards voting out Janelle. We just overheard Janelle try to pitch to Dani to get her vote. Dani asked Janelle, “Well, how many votes do you currently have?”
Janelle said, “Right now,I only have Bailey for sure. I’m totally alone in this house. If I can get five votes, would you be my 6th vote?”
Dani said, “I would seriously have to think about it because I don’t want to put my game in jeopardy. I’m not telling you no though. I just want to be really honest with you. I don’t want to lie to your face.” Janelle said, “No,I totally respect that.”
Janelle went on to say that she can maybe get Da’ Vonne since she has Bayleigh’s vote. She will try to get Kevin, David and Christmas. But it’s really looking very bleak for Janelle right now.
Dani told Janelle that the definite consensus, right now, is “To vote you out. They consider you a much bigger threat than Kaysar, and I think you know you are.”
At around 11 am pacific time today, August 24, 2020, Bay was seen telling Christmas, “I’m fine with Janelle leaving this week, but that’s the third girl out the door.”
At around 2 pm, Christmas told Kevin, “Janelle is just too good of a player, even 10 years later, to keep in the house.”
So, yeah. Judging from those conversations, I think it’s pretty much a lock that we’ll see the Big Brother legend Janelle exit the house this Thursday night.
How do you guys feel about Cody not using the veto at the POV ceremony this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month, and you can cancel them at anytime.
The next, new Big Brother season 22 episode is scheduled to air this Wednesday night, August 26, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It will feature the POV comp, the POV ceremony footage and whatever else the producers edit into the episode. So, definitely tune in if you want to see how all of that played out.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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