All Rise Season 2, December 21, 2020 Episode 6 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “All Rise” fans. We are back at you with some new info on your favorite show. However, we’re warning you ,right now, that it’s not good news. You see, we had to jump on here to tell you that CBS is not airing the next,new episode 6 of All Rise’s current season 2 tonight, December 21, 2020 and next Monday night, December 28, 2020.
Apparently, All Rise is on a little, two-week break for some reason. What this ultimately means is that the new episode 6 is currently scheduled to air on Monday night, January 4, 2021 in its usual 8 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course.
So, you will definitely want to get that important date and time buried in your memory banks or just write it down on your TV itinerary or something. Do what works for you.
So, what can you guys expect to see from CBS ,tonight, instead of the new episode 6 of All Rise’s current season 2? According to the TV guide listings, CBS is going to air a special tonight. It’s called,”Kid of the Year.”
CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Introducing the top five honorees ahead of the ultimate Kid of the Year being named. Guest stars from entertainment, sports and pop culture help surprise them and celebrate their work.”
Then, next Monday night, December 28, 2020, CBS will air an episode of their game show titled, “Let’s Make a Deal Primetime” in the 8 pm central standard time slot.
CBS’ description for it reads like this, “Wayne Brady performs an opening number. Essential workers play Smash for Cash and Car Pong, and have a chance to win luxury cars, a recreational vehicle and up to $100,000.”
If any of that programming looks good to you, you might still want to flip on CBS during this two-week hiatus of All Rise.
If you absolutely don’t want to see any of these alternate programs, you will definitely want to make other plans as quick as you can.
With that said, we were able to hunt down new information for the next, new episode 6 of All Rise’s current season 2. CBS put out an official press release for it. So, we’re going to read that off to you right now.
Before we do, we must warn you that this press release does contain light spoiler teasers. So, if spoilers aren’t your thing, you are highly advised to close this article out right now.
If you’re the exact opposite and love reading spoiler teasers, we obviously think you should stick around. With that spoiler warning out of the way, let’s dive in.
First thing’s first. The new episode 6 is officially labeled, “Bounceback.” It sounds like episode 6 will feature some very interesting, intense and dramatic scenes.
In the new episode 6, Lola’s new baby will be expected to arise at any moment,but that is definitely not all that will be going on with Lola. Apparently, she’s going to find out that the jury wasn’t going to convict a client which she convinced to take a plea deal.
So, she will be conflicted with whether or not to let the plea deal stand to keep her rep intact or to come clean with her client about being wrong.
Elsewhere, this episode will feature some important-sounding Mark scenarios. Mark will be in the midst of a very intense negotiation with DA Louis Bravo. It’ll be in regards to how and when Deputy Sheriff Rashel should be charged and arrested for attempted murder because Mark is apparently the victim of a vicious knife attack!
CBS’ official description for episode 6 tells us, “It’s a new year and Lola’s baby is due any day. She learns the jury was going to deliver a “not guilty” verdict in a case in which she pressured defendant Leon Parsons (Isaiah Johnson) to take a plea deal, forcing her to decide whether to let the plea stand and protect her reputation, or reveal what she knows to Leon.
Also, Mark’s in the midst of an intense negotiation with DA Louis Bravo (Ian Anthony Dale)
regarding how and when to arrest and charge Deputy Sheriff Rashel (Nick Wechsler)
for attempted murder, when Mark is the victim of a brazen knife attack.”
An alternate description reads like this, “IT’S A NEW YEAR, AND LOLA’S NERVOUS, EXCITED AND HOPEFUL AS SHE WAITS FOR HER BABY TO ARRIVE.” Guest stars include Anne Heche as police union lawyer Corinne Cuthbert, and Rick Fox as August Fox, who introduces Luke to the idea of restorative justice.
Episode 6 will also feature a lot of recurring stars. They are: Paul McCrane as character (Judge Laski), Peter MacNicol as character (Judge Campbell), Anne Heche as character (Corrine Cuthbert), Samantha Marie Ware as character (Vanessa “Ness” Johnson), Ian Anthony Dale as character (DA Louis Bravo), L. Scott Caldwell as character (Roxy Robinson).
Recurring stars continued: Suzanne Cryer as character (DDA Maggie Palmer), Rick Fox as character (August Fox), Patricia Rae as character (Judge Delgado), Louis Herthum as character (Sheriff Wayne McCarthy), Gabriel Cordell as character (Omar Aziz), P.J. Byrne as character (Juror Futrell), Journey Carter as character (Jillian Parson), August Dantus as character (Levi Parson), Isaiah Johnson as character (Leon Parson), Elayn J. Taylor as character (Juanita Parson), Nick Wechsler as character (Deputy Pete Rashel) and TBD as character (Bailiff Douglas).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 6 are: Simone Missick as character (Lola Carmichael), Wilson Bethel as character (Mark Callan), Marg Helgenberger as character (Lisa Benner), Jessica Camacho as character (Emily Lopez).
Season regulars continued: J. Alex Brinson as character (Luke Watkins), Lindsay Mendez as character (Sara Castillo), Ruthie Ann Miles as character (Sherri Kansky), Lindsey Gort as character (Amy Quinn), Audrey Corsa as character (Samantha Powell) and Reggie Lee as character (Head DDA Thomas Choi).
Episode 6 was written by Greg Spottiswood, and it was directed by Michael M. Robin.
Again, CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 6 of All Rise’s current season 2 is scheduled to finally hit the airwaves on Monday night, January 4,2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “All Rise” TV show report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
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