Tough As Nails April 7, 2021 Eliminated Iraida Mujica From Individual Competitions (Recap)

Hey, “Tough As Nails” fans. Tonight, April 7,2021, another new episode of Tough As Nails season 2 did indeed air, and some major results were revealed by the time it concluded.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with the final team competition between Dirty Hands and the Savage Crew teams. They were both tied at 4 wins a piece. So, this competition was the tiebreaker to claim an additional $12,000 dollars plus the bonus $60,000 dollars for a grand total of $72,000 dollars!
During this team comp, they had to do some drywalling, and they brought back drywall Danny from last season one to oversee the comp and make sure the work was up to standard. He also wished the Dirty Hands team good luck since that was his team last season.
Host Phil Keoghan revealed that Patrick “Freight Train” was still missing, which means he would never return. So, one of the team members from the Savage Crew team had to sit out again to keep the teams even. Swifty volunteered to sit out.
During this competition, the teams had to hang drywall from the ceilings, walls and more. The Savage Crew ran into some issues early on in the comp. Angel from the Dirty Hands team ran into some issues with his back and shoulders. He said he was in major pain, and he ended up dropping one of the ceiling, drywall units. That caused a set back. After that, the Dirty Hands team decided to work with smaller,lighter pieces to get the job done.
The Savage Crew changed up tactics too. So, they started getting things done quicker. In the end, it was the Savage Crew that finished the job first to claim the final team competition victory along with the whopping $72,000 dollars!
Next up, was the individual competition to cut the final 5 down to the final 4 for next week’s finale episode. In this competition, they had to lay down some roof shingles on a roof. They brought back roofer Lee from season 1 to oversee their work. The first one to correctly install all the shingles on the roof with no mistakes, won.
Swifty got off to a real slow start in this one, but he eventually made some adjustments to catch up. However, in the end, Sarah finished first for the win. Scott took second place and Zeus claimed that very important 3rd place to narrowly avoid having to go into overtime.
Swifty and Iraida were the last two. So, they had to compete in an overtime challenge to claim that 4th spot in the season 2 finale.
During the overtime challenge, Iraida and Swifty had to complete a plumbing puzzle challenge that involved them installing some pipes according to a plan they were given. If they did it correctly, they would be able to turn on water for a shower and a sink. They would also be able to flush a toilet that was connected to the pipes. The first one to get it done, won.
During the comp, Iraida made an early mistake of placing one of the pipes in the wrong spot, and it certainly came back to bite her in the end. She eventually had to go back and try to figure out how to correct her mistake, and that gave Swifty plenty of time to beat her.
With that win, Swifty joined Sarah, Scott and Zeus for the final 4. Meanwhile, poor Iraida did indeed have to punch out because she was eliminated from the individual competitions. She handled the loss well though, and she said she was just grateful for the opportunity.
How do you guys feel about Iraida Mujica getting eliminated from the individual competitions in tonight’s April 7,2021 episode? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of Tough As Nails season 2 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, April 14, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Again, it will be the season 2 finale episode.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Tough As Nails” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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