Walker Season 1, May 27, 2021 Episode 13 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey,”Walker” fans. We are back on here, tonight, for some very unfortunate reasons. We’ve just learned that The CW, for some unknown reason, is not airing the next, new episode 13 of Walker’s current season 1 tonight, May 27, 2021. If that’s not bad enough, The CW also won’t be airing the new episode 13 next Thursday night, June 3, 2021.
That’s right, guys. Walker is currently on another 2-week delay. The CW confirmed that they plan to air the new episode 13 on Thursday night, June 10, 2021 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot. So, be sure to commit that very important date and time to memory or write it down on something.
We did find out what The CW will be airing instead of the next, new episode 13 of Walker’s current season 1 during this 2-week delay. According to the TV Guide listings, The CW has a couple of Walker, repeat episodes they want to run. Tonight, they’ll be re-airing episode 10 of this season 1 titled, “Encore.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “With the Sidestep now in their name, Walker (Jared Padalecki), Stella (Violet Brinson) and August (Kale Culley) put their stamp on the place. Liam (Keegan Allen) turns to Bonham (Mitch Pileggi) for advice on a career move, while Micki (Lindsey Morgan) and Trey (Jeff Pierre) work through the aftermath of his injuries after the hurricane.
Stella confronts Clint (guest star Austin Nichols) about Trevor (guest star Gavin Casalegno) and his response prompts Stella to make a dangerous decision that will leave a permanent mark on the Walker family.”
Next Thursday night, June 3, 2021, The CW will be re-airing the 11th episode of Walker’s very first season titled,”Freedom.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Walker (Jared Padalecki) and Geri (guest star Odette Annable) are both unsure of their feelings for each other after their kiss and things get very complicated when Hoyt (guest star Matt Barr) comes home from prison.
However, the welcome home party is interrupted when Micki (Lindsey Morgan) and Walker get word that Clint West (guest star Austin Nichols) is on the run.”
If any of you guys are remotely interested in watching these Walker repeat episodes over these next,two weeks, The CW might still be the channel for you.
If you just want to see the new episode 13 of Walker’s first season, you will definitely want to abandon The CW until the June 10, 2021 date arrives.
Spoiler Warning: If any of you like spoiler scoops, we were able to track some down for you guys for the next, new episode 13 of Walker’s current season 1 from The CW’s official episode 13 press release. So, we’re going to run those by you real quick.
To start, The CW revealed that episode 13 does have an official title. It’s called, “Defend the Ranch.” It sounds like episode 13 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic and possible emotional scenes.
The CW’s official description for episode 13 reads like this, “Walker’s (Jared Padalecki) past comes back with a vengeance and it threatens the very thing he loves the most – his family.”
Episode 13 was directed by Alex Pillai. The story is by Seamus Kevin Fahey, and it was written by Seamus Kevin Fahey and Anna Fricke.
Again, The CW confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of Walker’s current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to finally make its way to your TV screens on Thursday night, June 10, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time. Every episode of WALKER will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Walker” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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