New The Bachelorette Spoilers For June 21, 2021 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. We are back in action to give you guys a new spoiler session for the next, new episode 3 of The Bachelorette 2021 edition with headliner Katie Thurston. This new episode 3 is due out this Monday night, June 21, 2021, and we’ve got a few spoiler goodies for it.
The terrific ABC folks delivered up a couple of official teaser descriptions for episode 3 via their official episode 3 press release. So, they will certainly be our source for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.
The first spoiler scoop reveals that episode 3 will pick up right where it left off in episode 2 after Katie told the men if they’re not there for the right reasons, get the F out!
ABC’s official description for this very intense Katie moment tells us, “Picking up during a heated cocktail party, Katie reminds the men that anyone not here for the right reasons can see themselves out.”
The second spoiler scoop reveals that a new group date will take place, and former Bachelor headliner Nick Viall will make a guest appearance at this group date. When he does, he will help the guys reveal a personal story of theirs. Apparently, Katie will be so moved by how honest the guys are that she will open up and share her personal story. ABC is describing this moment as heart-wrenching.
ABC’s description for this emotional, group date with special guest Nick Viall reads like this, “On the group date, former Bachelor Nick Viall helps the men share some of their personal stories. Moved by their honesty, Katie courageously opens up about her own story in a heart-wrenching moment.”
The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Katie will have a 1 on 1 date with Michael A at some point in this episode. When she does, she will end up really falling for him after he opens up to her with a very heartfelt story that reveals how he followed his heart to New Mexico.
ABC’s description for this Katie and Michael A, 1 on 1 date reads like this, “Katie literally flips head over heels for her one-on-one date with Michael A., who opens up with a deeply heartfelt story of how he decided to follow his heart to New Mexico.”
The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that things will get very intense, once again, when some more drama takes place inside the house!
ABC’s description for this latest drama session reads like this, “Drama begins to boil over in the house. Is someone still here for the wrong reasons?”
ABC also released a new preview clip for episode 3. It features Karl being made the center of very negative attention after suggesting to Katie that there are multiple people that aren’t there for the right reasons, but wouldn’t say any names. At one point, Aaron is seen saying that Thomas is a manipulative psychopath. So, that’s interesting.
There’s also some footage of Katie’s 1 on 1 date with Michael A. It looks pretty dangerous as they actually flip over a car at one point! The clip caps off featuring some very emotional moments as more tears get shed and so on and so forth. You guys can view the new episode 3 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of The Bachelorette 2021 edition with headliner Katie Thurston is indeed scheduled to arrive this Monday night, June 21,2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelorette” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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