Power Book III Raising Kanan Season 1, January 22, 2021 Episode 6 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Power Book III: Raising Kanan” fans. Unfortunately, we had to jump on here, real quick, because we’ve just learned that your favorite drama Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s next, new episode 6 of it’s current premiere season 1 will not be airing tonight. For some reason, Starz just isn’t airing it tonight. We have no idea why. All we can tell you is that’s just what they do sometimes.
The good news is we can officially confirm that the new episode 6 is scheduled to finally arrive next Sunday night, August 29, 2021 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot on STARZ of course. So, definitely be sure to not forget that very important date and time.
We were able to track down what STARZ is airing instead of the next, new episode 6 of Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s current season 1 tonight. According to the TV Guide listings, STARZ will actually be airing a repeat episode of Power Book III: Raising Kanan in the 7 pm central standard time slot. It will be the 5th episode of this season 1 titled,”CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES.”
STARZ’s official description for it reads like this,”Eager to transform her business after the stash house is hit, Raq overhauls her operation. Meanwhile, Kanan is detained after a fight with Scrappy.”
If any of you guys are up for watching this particular repeat episode of Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s current season 1, you might still want to flip on STARZ tonight.
If you only want to see the next, new episode of Power Book III: Raising Kanan, you will definitely want to scratch STARZ off your watchlist tonight around that time, and get back on it next Sunday night, August 29, 2021.
Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we were able to collect a couple of new, official teaser descriptions for the next, new episode 6 of Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s current season 1 from the STARZ people via their official, episode 6 press release. So, we’re going to go over it real quick.
To start, STARZ’s official episode 6 press release let us know that episode 6 is official labeled/titled, “Level Up.” It sounds like episode 6 will feature some new, very intense, dramatic, violent, scandalous, action-filled and interesting scenes.
In the new episode 6, Raquel and Unique will have some intense stuff going on as a new rivalry gets sparked up between them over Lou-Lou’s new artist!
Elsewhere, Kanan will be quite busy as he’ll be devoting most of his time to a drug-selling scandal with Marvin.
STARZ’s official description for episode 6 reads like this, “Lou’s new artist showcase becomes the nexus of the rivalry between Raq and Unique. At the same time, Kanan cooks up a drug-selling scheme with Marvin.”
Again, STARZ confirmed that the next, new episode 6 of Power Book III: Raising Kanan’s current, premiere season 1 will finally show up next Sunday night, August 29, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Power Book III: Raising Kanan” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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