Grey’s Anatomy Season 18, April 14, 2022 Episode 16 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. Unfortunately, we are back with another new set of bad news for you guys in this article. Apparently, the folks over at ABC have decided not to air the next, new episode 16 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 18 tonight, April 14, 2022. We’re not sure why. We just know they’re not going to air it tonight.
We also have to tell you that ABC isn’t airing this new episode 16 next Thursday night and the Thursday night after that one. That’s right, guys. Grey’s Anatomy is currently in the midst of a long, 3-week delay. ABC let us know that they intend to air the new episode 16 on Thursday night, May 5, 2022 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely be sure that very important date and time stays glued to your memory.
So, what is replacing Grey’s Anatomy over this 3-week delay period? We were able to find out what will be replacing it ,tonight, and next week. Tonight, ABC is going to actually air a very old repeat episode of Grey’s Anatomy. They’re going all the way back to the 16th episode of its 4th season for this one. It’s titled, “Freedom.”
ABC’s description for it reads like this, “Meredith and Derek get one last shot at success in their clinical trial. The surgeons work together to free a boy from a block of cement. Izzie helps Alex care for Rebecca. Lexie uncovers critical information about George’s status as an intern.”
Next Thursday night, April 21, 2022, ABC will reach into their movie cabinet to serve up the 2019 movie “Jumanji: The Next Level.” ABC’s official description for it reads like this, “When Spencer goes back into the fantastical world of Jumanji, pals Martha, Fridge and Bethany re-enter the game to bring him home. But everything about Jumanji is about to change as they soon discover more obstacles and more danger to overcome.”
After April 21, 2022, you guys will need to check your local listings if you want to know what ABC has planned out for the Thursday night, April 28, 2022 line up.
If any of you guys are up for watching this alternate line of programming from ABC during this 3-week delay, you might still want to keep ABC on your primetime watchlist. If only new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy will satisfy you, you will definitely want to get something else planned out until ABC gets back to normal on May 5, 2022.
Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we were able to track down spoilery info for the next, new episode 16 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 18 via an official episode 16 preview clip. ABC also told us what episode 16 is officially titled. It’s titled, “Should I Stay or Should I Go.”
The episode 16 preview clip features Meredith telling Maggie and Amelia that she’s sure she’s really leaving Grey Sloan Memorial. Maggie looks a little ticked off about it. The clip also features the return of Addison Montgomery to the fold. You guys can view the episode 16 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Again, ABC confirmed that the next, new episode 16 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 18 is scheduled to finally make its way to your TV screens on Thursday night, May 5, 2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Grey’s Anatomy” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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