New Big Brother 2022 Season 24 Cast Is Finally Getting Revealed On July 5

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back in action to give you guys some more important info for the new Big Brother 2022 edition aka season 24.
Yesterday afternoon, June 30, 2022, the official Twitter page for Big Brother served up a new message/tweet in regards to when we’ll finally get our first look at the cast of this new season 24. It turns out that they are planning to let us know who will be entering the Big Brother season 24 house on Tuesday, July 5, 2022.
That’s right, guys. CBS is waiting all the way until just one day before the premiere episode to let us know who this new cast will be.
Their tweet reads like this, “Hey #BigBrother fans, enjoy your long weekend. We’ll be announcing the #BB24 cast TUESDAY. See you then.” You guys can view that post on Big Brother’s official twitter account by Clicking Here.
According to the folks over at Big Brother Network ,they think the actual release time will be around 12 pm eastern standard time that day. Whatever the case, we’ll certainly let you guys know when this new cast reveal happens on that day.
It’s suspected that CBS is now waiting until the very last second to reveal the new castmembers because of all the issues with Covid testing and what not. They’re always constantly testing contestants before they enter the house, and if someone comes up positive, they have to replace that person. So, CBS wants to make sure the cast they present to us is the actual cast that’s going into the house. Last year, they did have to replace someone at the last minute due to these strict, Covid testing requirements.
We’re still hoping that CBS will serve up a house reveal before the premiere night gets here. Again, the new season 24 is still scheduled to finally debut this Wednesday night, July 6, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could dig up for this latest, “Big Brother”TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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