Big Brother 24 Spoilers: July 11, 2022 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back with another update from inside the Big Brother season 24 house. Today, July 11, 2022, the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony took place, and we definitely saw some things get shaken up.
Before we get into the results of today’s POV ceremony, we’re going to recap this first week so far for anyone who’s not up to speed on everything. Daniel is the reigning HOH (Head Of Household) for this week after winning the first HOH competition this past Wednesday night, July 6,2022. Then, on Friday, July 8, 2022, Daniel had to nominate two people for eviction as part of his HOH duties, and he ended up selecting Terrance and Michael.
The next day on Saturday, July 9, 2022, the POV competition was played, and Michael ended up pulling out the victory in it. And that all leads us to today’s POV ceremony. During it, Michael undoubtedly used his veto to save himself from the eviction chopping block.
So, Daniel had to put up a replacement nominee in Michael’s place, and he chose to nominate Taylor. That means Taylor is now on the chopping block with Terrance, and they are the two final nominees for eviction this week. That means either Terrance or Taylor will be walking out the door this Thursday night, July 14, 2022 during the first LIVE eviction episode of this season. Who will it be?
As we previously reported, there was a big push formed to get Taylor up on the block and out of this game by Paloma. Apparently, she had heard that Taylor started a rumor about her, claiming Paloma was trying to target the big guys in the house.
That made Paloma very upset, and she claimed that Taylor started lies about her. So, Paloma campaigned to Daniel to put up Taylor. Some other people told Daniel he should put up Taylor too. So, obviously, Daniel listened to all of them and ,now, Taylor is up on the block. And for now, it does seem like she is the main target. However, it is still pretty early in the week. Taylor has three days to turn this mess around.
Taylor was spotted crying on the LIVE feeds after she was announced as the replacement nominee. At around 1:13 pm pacific time today, Taylor’s arch enemy Paloma was seen talking with her. Paloma told Taylor, “I’m here for you.” Taylor said, “I appreciate it,” and then she cried. At around 1:16 PM, Alyssa joined Taylor and Paloma and hugged Taylor.
Apparently, during his POV ceremony speech, Daniel told Taylor that she had hurt some people because Taylor was seen telling Daniel, “The hard part of your nomination speech was hearing that I was hurting people. I felt bad that I hurt people. I could manage a backstab, but I did not know I was hurting people.” Daniel said, “Now, you can talk to everyone. You are taking this so well.”
At around 1:24 PM, Daniel told Terrance, ” You would have my vote this week if I could vote.” At around 2:01 PM, Monte was seen telling Joseph, “Taylor will need a miracle to get everyone’s trust back. I want Taylor only to find out about my role in her eviction in the goodbye messages.”
Based on that LIVE feed info, it certainly still appears that Taylor will be the one leaving on Thursday night. However, it has been acknowledged by the houseguests that there’s still a twist that could happen with the whole Backstage twist.
Apparently, one of those three Backstage girls Paloma, Alyssa and Brittany could still go home or at least that’s what they believe. So, we’ll see. There’s still a lot of game to be played this week. How do you guys feel about Taylor getting thrown up as the replacement nominee in today’s POV ceremony? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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