Yellowstone Season 5 Spoilers For November 13, 2022 Premiere Episodes 1 & 2 Revealed

Hey, “Yellowstone” fans. It’s almost that time again for your favorite show Yellowstone to return from its slumber with its brand new season 5! That’s right, guys. It’s going to happen next Sunday night, November 13, 2022 with the debut of its season 5 premiere episode 1, and we have some new, spoiler information for it.
We were able to track down an official teaser description for one of episode 1’s main storylines straight from Paramount Network’s official episode 1 press release. So, we’re going to certainly take a look at it, right now, and let you know what’s up. Let’s go.
For starters, Paramount Network let us know that the official title for this new episode 1 of Yellowstone season 5 is called, “One Hundred Years Is Nothing.” So, that is a very interesting-sounding title. It sounds like episode 1 will feature some very interesting, dramatic and intense scenes.
In the new episode 1, John Dutton and his new role as Governor will be the main focus of this description that Paramount Network chose to reveal. Yep, it turns out that we will indeed see John Dutton become the new Governor of Montana to kick off this new season 5, and he will be sworn in at some point.
As the episode rolls along, we will see John start to get all settled into his new position and all the power that comes along with it. As a result, John will start to make some pretty bold moves that are designed to make sure Yellowstone is fully protected from its enemies.
Paramount Network’s official description for episode 1 reads like this, “John Dutton is sworn in as Governor of Montana. As John settles into the powers of his new office, he makes bold moves to protect the Yellowstone from his opponents.”
Paramount Network’s press release confirmed that the new, premiere episode 1 of Yellowstone’s new season 5 is indeed scheduled to finally make its arrival on Sunday night, November 13, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Update: We just learned that episode 2 of this new season 5 will also be shown right after episode 1 tonight, November 13, 2022. The official, Paramount Plus synopsis for it reads like this, “As John makes a passionate speech to the state of Montana, a new formidable opponent from Market Equities arrives in Montana. The cowboys at the ranch deal with a new problem.” Episode 2 is titled, “The Sting of Wisdom.”
Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could collect for this latest, “Yellowstone” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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