New 60 Minutes, May 19, 2024 Episode 33 Preview Revealed

New 60 Minutes, May 19, 2024 Episode 33 Preview Revealed

Hey, “60 Minutes” fans. We’re back in your faces with another new preview session for CBS’ 60 Minutes news series. In this one, we’re going to take a look at what the team is featuring in the next, new episode 33 of this current season 56, which is due out tonight, May 19, 2024.

We were able to get a hold of an official press release from CBS for tonight’s new episode 33. So, we’re going to see exactly what it has to say right now. Let’s go.

In tonight’s new episode 33, the 60 Minutes team is going to present 3, new segments. The first segment is titled, “POPE FRANCIS.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Norah O’Donnell meets Pope Francis for a rare and historic interview at his home, the Santa Marta guest house in Vatican City, a week before the Catholic Church hosts its inaugural World Children’s Day.

The 87-year-old, Argentinian-born pope – the first named Francis and first from the Americas – is known for his dedication to the poor and marginalized, and for being the most unconventional head of the Church in recent memory. He spoke candidly with O’Donnell about the wars in Israel and Gaza, Ukraine, and the migration crises around the world and on the U.S. southern border.

The wide-ranging conversation also touches upon the Church’s handling of its own sexual abuse scandals; Francis’ deep commitment to inclusiveness within the Church; the backlash against his papacy from certain corners of U.S. Catholicism; and an exploration of his thinking on surrogate parenthood. Keith Sharman.”

The second segment is titled, “CUBAN SPYCRAFT.” CBS’ description for it reads like this, “For decades, prolific Cuban spies working in the U.S. government, serving in high-profile positions with top security clearances, have evaded American intelligence officials.

Correspondent Cecilia Vega reports from Washington, D.C., and Miami on the stories of two such undercover agents, former U.S. ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha and onetime Pentagon official Ana Montes. Cuba continues to supply one of the most dangerous exports to American adversaries around the world: American secrets.”

The 3rd and final segment for this new episode 33 is titled, “THE ALBUM.” CBS’ description for it reads like this, “When a photo album depicting Nazis socializing at dinner parties and picnics arrived at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2007, historians weren’t sure what to make of it.

After an extensive investigation, it turned out to be a rare personal scrapbook of a high-ranking Nazi officer who helped run the daily operations of Auschwitz, the concentration camp where more than a million people, mostly Jews, were murdered. Correspondent Anderson Cooper tells the story behind the album and why acclaimed theater director Moises Kaufman decided to turn it into a new Off-Broadway play called “Here There Are Blueberries.”

CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 33 of 60 Minutes’ current season 56 is indeed scheduled to hit the air tonight, May 19, 2024, starting at approximately 6 pm central standard time. It will also be available for streaming on Paramount+.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “60 Minutes” TV show, preview report, but definitely stray tuned for more.

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