Big Brother August 1, 2024 Evicted Lisa Weintraub (Recap)

Big Brother August 1, 2024 Evicted Lisa Weintraub (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 1, 2024, another new LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 26 did indeed air, and we saw another unlucky houseguest get evicted at the end.

Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after the current HOH (Head Of Household) Chelsie put up Tucker as a replacement nominee for POV (Power Of Veto) winner Kenney after he took himself off the chopping block at the last POV Ceremony.

Chelsie told the private cams aka the Diary Room, “I put Tucker up because he offered to put himself on the block. I’m ok if either Lisa or Angela go home this week.” Tucker told the private cams, “I’m trying to keep the target on Lisa.”

Angela told the private cams that she thinks she’s the main target because no one is talking game with her. Tucker told Lisa he thinks she has an upgrade power. She denied it because it’s true. However, Tucker refused to believe her saying, “I can read human behaviors, and I can tell that you’re lying.”

Tucker started spreading the word around the house that Lisa has an upgrade power, and some of them started believing it, telling the private cams that Lisa might be the stronger player over Angela.

Angela told the private cams that she will expose Quinn’s upgrade power if he can’t find a way to keep her in this house. Angela told Tucker she thinks Quinn has an upgrade power, but he didn’t believe her.

Tucker told the private cams that he still wants Lisa gone despite Angela being a loose cannon this week. Angela started picking on Lisa, calling her a twit. Then, Lisa got angry and shouted at Angela, “stop calling me a twit!” Angela said, “You are twit.” After that, Lisa went to her room and started crying. Chelsie told the private cams, “I would love to get rid of both Angela and Lisa this week because I don’t know how much we can take of them.”

Next, the eviction nominees: Tucker, Angela and Lisa played in the BB AI Arena competition. It was titled, “Security Race.” During it, they had to complete a puzzle for the win. The first one to do it, won safety. Tucker won it to claim his safety. So, Angela and Lisa became the final two eviction nominees for this week.

They were given a few minutes to campaign for votes. Then, they gave their final plea speeches. After that, the rest of the houseguests minus current HOH Chelsie cast their votes to evict.

Tucker, Rubina, Quinn, Joseph, Makensy, Cedric, Brooklyn, Cam, Leah, Kimo and T’Kor all voted to evict Lisa. Kenney voted to evict Angela. So, by a landslide vote of 11-1, Lisa was evicted from the Big Brother season 26 house tonight.

Lisa gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. During it, Lisa told Julie, “These players are really good at playing their game. This isn’t the first blindside. No one really had my back or were speaking truth to me. It’s really shocking.

I was told the target would be Angela this week. She’s been bullying people and causing a lot of chaos. The house fully agreed to evict Angela. So, this is very, very shocking.” Julie told Lisa, “It was because the other houseguests think you’re better at this game than Angela.”

Angela said, “If they saw me as a threat, that’s fine, but I think there was a bigger purpose this week. I’ve met amazing people. I might not have won Big Brother, but I still feel like a winner for what I showed.” Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

They did not have any time to play the new HOH competition in tonight’s LIVE episode. So, we’ll have to wait and report who won it later on via the LIVE feeds. How do you guys feel about Lisa getting evicted over Angela tonight? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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