Big Brother August 5, 2024 New, Shocking POV Ceremony Results Revealed (Spoilers)

Big Brother August 5, 2024 New, Shocking POV Ceremony Results Revealed (Spoilers)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back with a crazy, shocking update for you guys in this article. Oh my gosh. The POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony for this week of Big Brother season 26 went down earlier today, August 5, 2024, and you will not believe what the hell happened. I still don’t believe it, but it’s true.

Before we give you the shocking POV ceremony results, we’re going to do a quick recap of this week so far. This past Thursday night, August 1, 2024, Cedric won the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition to become the new HOH this week.

Then, on Friday, August 2, 2024, Cedric nominated Tucker, Kenney and Angela for eviction with Angela being his main target. On Saturday, August 3, 2024, Tucker won the POV competition, and that all leads us to today’s POV ceremony.

During the POV ceremony, Tucker actually decided not to use the veto to save himself from the chopping block! Oh, no, no, no. That would just be too smart. He actually decided to use it on his block mate Angela. WTF? The one who Cedric was trying to target!

Since Angela came off the block, Cedric had to put up a replacement nominee for her, and he chose to throw Makensy on the block. Makensy, of course, used her America’s POV upgrade power to take herself off the block. So, now, America will vote for the 3rd nominee to go on the block. Tucker and Kenney are currently on the block alone.

It’s currently unclear when the 3rd nominee votes will be revealed. We’re guessing they’ll get revealed during this Thursday night’s LIVE eviction episode. We’ll have to wait and see. We’ll post an update if it happens earlier. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

Some additional notes we’re hearing about this situation is that Cedric warned Tucker not to pull this stupid move, but he did it anyways. Apparently, Tucker wanted Cedric to throw up Quinn as a replacement nominee so they could get him out. However, Cedric is aligned with Quinn in their Pentagon alliance. So, that was not going to happen.

The folks over at Big Brother Network said they are hearing that Quinn does currently have a lot of votes from America to go on the block. So, he may very well end up there this Thursday night. Who knows? Everything is up in the air right now. This is absolute insanity.

How do you guys feel about Tucker not using his veto to save himself and using it on Angela instead? Let us know in the comments section. I think Tucker might take the crown from season 3’s Marcellas Reynolds for one of the most stupid moves in Big Brother history for this one. Absolutely insane.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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