New General Hospital September 24 Spoilers Reveal A Chase, Dante Fight And More

New General Hospital September 24 Spoilers Reveal A Chase, Dante Fight And More

Hey, “General Hospital” fans. It’s time for us to pitch another new, General Hospital spoiler session. In this one, we’ve got spoilery new details for a couple of storylines that are showing up in tomorrow’s new, September 24, 2024 episode.

Thanks to ABC, we were able to round up 5, new, official teaser descriptions for the September 24, 2024 episode. So, we’re going to dig into those right now. Let’s get to it.

It sounds like tomorrow’s new, Monday, September 24, 2024 edition will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic and emotional scenes as a strategy session takes place. A new lawyer is brought on. An argument happens and more.

The first spoiler teaser lets us know that Sonny and Carly are going to get together to go over a certain strategy at some point. ABC’s official description for Carly and Sonny’s strategy session reads like this, “Carly and Sonny strategize.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Alexis will get together with her new lawyer at some point and reveal some confidential information. ABC’s description for Alexis’ meetup with her new lawyer scenario reads like this, “Alexis confides in her new lawyer.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser lets us know that Chase and Dante will run into a serious problem, because they won’t be able to get along with each other. Yep, these two are going to start fighting about something. ABC’s description for Chase and Dante’s head-butting session reads like this, “Chase and Dante butt heads.”

The 4th spoiler teaser reveals that TJ will end up in a conversation with Stella at some point. During it, TJ will open up about some things. ABC’s description for TJ’s candid conversation with Stella storyline reads like this, “TJ opens up to Stella.”

The 5th and last teaser spoiler for tomorrow’s new, September 24, 2024 edition lets us know that Diane will be in action. During her latest scene, she will end up running interference on a particular situation. ABC’s description for Diane’s interference activities reads like this, “Diane runs interference.”

Alright, guys. That’s all the official teaser spoilers we could round together for tomorrow’s new, September 24, 2024 episode of General Hospital, but certainly expect to see at least a few other scenes pop up since this is a one-hour series.

General Hospital usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 1 pm central standard time on ABC.

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