New 9-1-1 November 14 Episode 7 Spoilers Reveal Athena Confidence Problems & More

New 9-1-1 November 14 Episode 7 Spoilers Reveal Athena Confidence Problems & More

Hey, “9-1-1” fans. We’re back at you with another new spoiler session for you guys. In this one, we’re going to give you a very brief idea of what to expect from the next, new episode 7 of this current season 8 of 9-1-1, which is due to hit your TV screens tonight, November 14, 2024.

We were able to get a hold of an official teaser description for one of episode 7’s main storylines via the ABC people by way of their official, episode 7 press release synopsis. So, we’re going to dig into it right now. Let’s get to it.

First thing out of the spoiler box is the official title for this new episode 7. The writers decided to call this one, “Hotshots.” It sounds like episode 7 will feature some very interesting, dramatic and possible action-filled scenes.

In this new episode 7, Athena trying to mentor a rookie is the main focus of this one and only storyline that ABC chose to release. Yep, it turns out that Athena will be given orders to act as a mentor for a certain rookie. During this mentoring process, something will happen to cause Athena to start doubting her own skills!

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ABC’s official description for this new episode 7 of 9-1-1’s current season 8 reads like this, “When Athena is assigned a rookie to mentor, she begins to question her own abilities.”

Again, ABC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of 9-1-1 is indeed scheduled to make its way to the air tonight, November 14, 2024 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That is all the official teaser scoops we could get out of the ABC people for this latest, “9-1-1” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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