New Bold And The Beautiful November 25 Episode Spoilers Reveal An Angry Ridge & More

New Bold And The Beautiful November 25 Episode Spoilers Reveal An Angry Ridge & More

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. It’s that time of the week again. The Bold And The Beautiful is coming with a whole new set of episodes, starting tomorrow afternoon, November 25, 2024, and we’re going to tell you as much as we can about tomorrow’s new, week-starting episode.

We were able to track down a total of two, new, official teaser scoops for the November 25, 2024 edition straight from the CBS people. So, we’re going to dive into those ,right now, and break them all down for you. Let’s go.

For starters, it sounds like tomorrow’s new, Monday, November 25, 2024 week-starting episode will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic and emotional scenes as Electra has a run-in with an old friend. Ridge gets really ticked off and more!

The first spoiler teaser reveals that we’re going to see another Electra moment. This time, she will be seen, bumping into that Remy guy who’s been spying on her and stalking her. CBS is referring to him as an old friend, but I don’t think the word friends is going to be the right word for him.

Anyways, CBS’ official description for Electra’s run-in with Remy scenario reads like this, “Oblivious to the danger lurking, Electra bumps into an old friend — Remy Pryce.”

The second and final spoiler teaser for tomorrow’s new, November 25, 2024 episode lets us know that we’re going to see a continuation of Brooke telling Ridge all about Carter’s plan to take control of Forrester Creations in this past Friday episode.

When it does continue, it will finally register with Ridge that Brooke is very serious, and Ridge’s disbelief will immediately turn to heavy anger for Carter.

CBS’ description for Ridge getting very angry about Carter and Hope’s scandalous takeover plot reads like this, “Ridge’s disbelief soon turns to anger when Brooke spills Hope and Carter’s secret.”

Alright, guys. That’s all the official teaser scoops we could round up for tomorrow’s new, November 25, 2024 edition of The Bold And The Beautiful, but certainly expect to see at least a few other scenes happen that were not mention in this spoiler session.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” usually airs every Monday through Friday, starting at approximately 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS and Paramount+.

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1 Response

  1. Donna says:

    I say that Carter brokers a deal with Ridge that if Ridge banishes Stephi from the company for good and employs hope and her line that Carter will tear up the LLC papers and return power to Ridge and Eric. Or, give more power to the Logan’s so they are in a better footing in the company.

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