New 48 Hours February 15 Episode Features A Teen Killer Trying To Get Free From Prison

New 48 Hours February 15 Episode Features A Teen Killer Trying To Get Free From Prison

CBS is confirmed to release another new episode for their hit news show 48 Hours tonight, February 15, 2025,and it will feature a couple of teen killers who are trying to get out of prison. This new episode is the 19th one for this current season 37.

According to CBS’ official episode 19 press release, there is an official title for it. It’s called, “Justine’s Voice.”

In this episode, the 48 Hours team is going to take a deep look at a story about a 17-year old, Auburn, California girl named Justine Vanderschoot. She was sadly killed by her boyfriend Danny Bezemer and his roommate Brandon Fernandez in a very brutal way back in 2003.

They both plead guilty to the murder, and they were both sentenced to life in prison with a possibility of parole. However, a change in California’s murder law caused Brandon Fernandez to petition to have his conviction overturned with the claim that he was just an accessory to the murder.

His petition could allow him to get set free, but Justine’s parents aren’t having it. They are putting up a fight to keep him locked up. 48 Hours contributor Natalie Morales handled the reporting duties for this episode and case.

CBS’ official description for this new episode 19 of 48 Hours season 37 reads like this, “The brutal murder of 17-year-old Justine Vanderschoot in 2003 devastated the community of Auburn, Calif.

Twenty-two years later, Vanderschoot’s family continues to fight to keep her killers behind bars after a change in state law provided a loophole that could set one of them free. 48 HOURS contributor Natalie Morales reports on the case in “Justine’s Voice.”

Vanderschoot was killed by her boyfriend, Danny Bezemer, and his roommate, Brandon Fernandez, and buried in a shallow grave while she was still breathing, according to her autopsy. In 2005, both men pleaded guilty to her murder and were sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole.

However, in 2020, under a change in California’s murder law, Fernandez petitioned to have his conviction overturned and to be sentenced instead as an accessory after the fact. If his petition is granted, he would be released on time served. Vanderschoot’s parents, Don and Lynnette, and her sister, Christine, are determined to keep Fernandez behind bars.”


Again, CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 19 of 48 Hours’ current season 37 is scheduled to hit the air tonight, February 15, 2025 in the 9 pm central standard time slot. It will also be available for streaming on Paramount+.

That is a wrap for this latest, “48 Hours” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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