New Hunting Party February 17 Episode 3 Spoilers Reveal A Wolves Obsessed Killer

New Hunting Party February 17 Episode 3 Spoilers Reveal A Wolves Obsessed Killer

The folks over at NBC are scheduled to air another brand new episode of their freshman series titled, “The Hunting Party” tonight, February 17, 2025, and it’s going to get real intense, featuring a killer who’s obsessed with wolves and more.

Tonight’s new episode is the 3rd one for this current, premiere season 1. According to NBC’s official episode 3 press release, the writers decided to title this episode, “Lowe.”

In this new episode 3, Bex, the team and many more will be featured in action. It turns out that the team will make their way over to rural Montana in this episode to hunt down a brutal serial killer named Lowe. Lowe is apparently obsessed with wolves.

Bex and the team will be seen, having to roam all through the friggin wilderness in an effort to try and track down Lowe. If that’s not enough, Bex and the team will also have to deal with some local rangers who are out to enact their own form of vigilante justice.

NBC’s official description for this new episode 3 of The Hunting Party season 1 reads like this, “In rural Montana, the team hunts down Lowe, a brutal serial killer obsessed with wolves. Bex and the team must track Lowe through the wilderness, all while dealing with local rangers out for their own form of vigilante justice.”

Again, NBC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of The Hunting Party’s current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to hit your TV screens tonight, February 17, 2025 in the 9 pm central standard time slot.

That is all the official spoiler scoops we could get from NBC for this latest,”The Hunting Party” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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