New Will Trent February 18 Episode 7 Spoilers Reveal Shocking Killer Secrets
ABC is scheduled to release the next, new episode 7 of Will Trent’s current season 3 tonight, February 18, 2025, and it will feature some startling secrets about a killer possibly being very close and more.
ABC’s official press release synopsis for this new episode 7 lets us know that there is an official title for it. The writers decided to name it, “Mariachi Shelly’s Frankenstein.”
This new episode 7 will feature action from both the ADP and GBI teams and more. This one and only storyline that ABC chose to give reveals that a tropical storm will hit the area at some point. In the midst of it, an innocent man will grab the attention of the APD and GBI teams as they will be seen, rushing into action to get his name cleared.
When they do clear his name, some very surprising secrets will get uncovered. These particular secrets will suggest that the real killer may actually be much closer than they originally ever thought.
ABC’s official description for this new episode 7 of Will Trent season 3 reads like this, “In the midst of a tropical storm, the APD and GBI race against time to clear the name of an innocent man, uncovering shocking secrets that suggest the killer may be closer than they ever thought.”
Again, ABC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Will Trent’s current season 3 is scheduled to make its way to your TV screens tonight, February 18, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.
That is all the official spoiler scoops we could get out of ABC for this latest, “Will Trent” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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