The Bachelor February 17 Eliminated Natalie & Parisa, And Rose Quit (Recap)
ABC aired another new episode of The Bachelor 2025 edition, featuring headliner Grant Ellis tonight, February 17, 2025, and another couple of women did get eliminated at the end of it. One of them decided to actually self eliminate!
Tonight’s new episode kicked off with host Jesse Palmer telling the woman that they’re heading out of Los Angeles and over to Madrid, Spain to continue their love journey with Grant. They were very excited about it.
The girls arrived in Spain, and Grant showed up to greet them at an outdoor restaurant. From there, he told them that he’s taking Dina out on a 1 on 1 date. During their 1 on 1 date, Grant took Dina to tour the town.
Grant told the private cams, “I want to see if Dina can let down some walls and just have fun. Dina told the private cams, “I’m having a great time with Grant. He’s so easy to get along with and talk to.”
They went to a store where people write love notes, and they had fun with that. They took a boat ride and talked. They talked about what they can bring to a relationship. Grant told the private cams,”I think me and Dina connected a lot. I enjoyed it.”
During the second half of their date, Grant and Dina talked some more. Dina talked about her upbringing. Grant did as well. Dina let him know that she can also be a provider in a relationship. He doesn’t have to do all the work. He liked that.
Grant told her, “I feel like we got deep, and I can see a future with you.” Grant told the private cams, “I’m excited about Dina.” They did some slow dancing. Dina told the private cams, “I like the way Grant makes me feel. This was the perfect date.” Grant gave her a rose, and they kissed on the dance floor.
Grant took: Alexe, Litia, Natalie, Rose, Parisa, Zoe and Juliana out on a group date. During it, they went to Chinchón. They rode donkeys through the town. They went and learned how to bull fight. They did a bull riding competition. Zoe won it for some extra alone time with Grant, and they kissed during it.
During the group date after party, Grant talked with Parisa. He gave her some rocks that were imported from Spain. She loved it, saying, “It’s the little things like that.” She gave him a kiss.
Grant talked with Rose. Grant told her, “I think there’s room for growth with us. I can see potential.” She agreed, and they kissed. Grant told the private cams, “As long as we keep progressing, I’m happy.”
Grant talked with Zoe. She revealed that she’s hard to read because she was made to feel bad about the color of her skin as child. Grant told her, “I’m glad you told me this story because it helps me get to know who you are.”
Juliana confronted Carolina about some insecurities she expressed about Grant in the last episode. Juliana told her “I don’t understand why you’re still here if you don’t feel sure about Grant.” Carolina said, “I do feel sure about Grant now.”
Their conversation got pretty awkward as Juliana kept trying to tell Carolina that she basically shouldn’t be there is she feels unsure about Grant. Finally, the conversation ended with Carolina saying thank you for your opinion and walking away.
The rest of the women also told Carolina that they didn’t like her negative comments about Grant, and they don’t think she has the strongest feelings for Grant. Carolina was crying when Grant came back to join them.
So, Grant pulled Carolina away to have a talk with her. She told him how Juliana confronted her. After talking with Carolina, Grant told the women he was not giving out a group date rose. He needed to do some more thinking. Juliana said she would take the blame for it, but the other girls said it wasn’t her fault.
Grant took Sarafiena out on a 1 on 1 date. During it, Grant took her to go bungee jumping off a very high bridge. They both said they were happy they did the jump together. Grant told the private cams, “I’m excited about this relationship.”
During the second half, they talked. They both agreed that they’re able to relax and be themselves around each other. At one point, Grant told her he thought she was uncomfortable with kissing him, but she corrected him saying, “It’s because my mom is watching.”
They had a good laugh about that. The rest of their conversation went well. Grant gave her a rose, and they kissed. Sarafiena told the private cams, “Grant makes me feel so safe and happy. I think I’m falling in love with him.” They kissed to close out the date, and Sarafiena said, “Sorry mom.”
Grant asked to talk with Juliana about the things she said to Carolina. She told him, “Carolina didn’t have positive things to say about the 1 on 1 date she had with you, and we didn’t like hearing that because we all wanted a 1 on 1 date with you.”
Grant told the private cams, “I’m hurt to hear what Carolina said about our date.” Grant pulled Carolina to question her about the things she said. She told him, “I think it’s natural to question someone you just met. If I have concerns, it’s because I’m taking it seriously. I thought we were good.” Grant said, “We are good, but I wanted our date to be a positive experience. When you question it, it hurts me.”
Carolina told the private cams, “I didn’t like the vibes of that conversation.” Grant talked with Natalie at one point. It seemed to go well.
Then, Rose got real upset and told Carolina, “My relationship with Grant was set back because you told Grant I said he was thinking me when he was dancing with you. You backstabbed me. You did. I told you that in confidence, and you used it against me.” Carolina said, “I didn’t mean to.”
Rose started crying and talked with Grant. She told him,”It’s in my best interest to go home.” Grant said, “I understand that you need to do what you need to do.” Grant walked Rose out to the exit car, and off she went.
Grant told the other women, “Rose left, and that hurts me.” Next, the rose ceremony began, and Grant gave: Litia, Juliana, Alexe, Zoe and Carolina a rose to join Dina and Sarafiena who received roses earlier in this episode.
That means poor Natalie and Parisa did not get a rose and were eliminated to join Rose who self-eliminated herself just moments before the rose ceremony.
That is a wrap for this latest, “The Bachelor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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