New Curse Of Oak Island February 25 Episode 13 To Feature A Dig For Chappell Vault

New Curse Of Oak Island February 25 Episode 13 To Feature A Dig For Chappell Vault

The History Channel is officially scheduled to finally air the next, new episode 13 of The Curse of Oak Island’s current season 12 tonight, February 25, 2025, after delaying last week, and it will feature a dig for the Chappell Vault and more.

According to the History Channel’s official episode 13 press release, this new episode is officially labeled/titled, “Caissons Ho!”

Again, the preview information reveals that some workers will be seen, digging for the Chappell Vault at some point. Apparently, it has taken the crew months and months of research to get to this point, and they will be hoping that they can stumble upon some hidden treasures and historical artifacts with this dig.

However, this dig will not be difficult-free as some challenges will get thrown in their direction during the excavation activities.

The History Channel’s official description for this new episode 13 of The Curse of Oak Island season 12 reads like this, “Workers dig for the Chappell Vault after months of research. They hope to uncover hidden treasures and historical artifacts. The team faces challenges as they excavate.”

Again, The History Channel’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of The Curse of Oak Island’s current season 12 is scheduled to finally make its way to the air tonight, February 25, 2025 in the 8 pm central standard time slot.

That is a wrap for this latest, “The Curse of Oak Island” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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