Shifting Gears March 19 Finale Episode 10 To Feature Intense Matt And Eve Feud

Shifting Gears March 19 Finale Episode 10 To Feature Intense Matt And Eve Feud

ABC is scheduled to air the next, new, finale episode 10 of Shifting Gears’ current, premiere season 1 tonight, March 19, 2025, and it will feature a heavy feud between Matt and Eve, and more.

NBC’s official episode 10 press release is telling us that the writers decided to name/title this episode, “Kiss.”

This episode will feature Jimmy, Riley, Matt, Eve and more in action. The preview information from NBC’s press release is telling us that Jimmy is going to make a return with a new job.

Along with this new job, Jimmy will have a proposition for Riley and the kids, which entails them moving into his house. Riley will be confused about whether or not she should accept this offer.

Eve will end up, damaging Matt’s car at some point, and that is going to cause these two to engage in another intense feuding session that we mentioned earlier in this article.

ABC’s official description for this new episode 10 of Shifting Gears season 1 reads like this, “When Jimmy returns with a new job and a proposition for Riley and the kids to move into his house, Riley is torn between her past and her future. Matt’s feud with Eve flares up once again after she damages his car.”

Again, ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new, finale episode 10 of Shifting Gears’ current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to hit the air tonight, March 19, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.

That is a wrap for this latest, “Shifting Gears” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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