The Amazing Race March 19 Eliminated Courtney & Jasmin (Recap)
Earlier tonight, CBS aired another new episode of The Amazing Race’s current season 37, and another unlucky team did get eliminated at the end of it.
Tonight’s new episode kicked off with the teams learning they had to travel by bullet train to the city of Kyoto to get their first clue for this leg of the race. It was revealed that the Express Pass was also up for grabs during this leg.
When the teams got their first clue, it told them that they have to buy some fortune telling paper called Omikuji. When placed in water, it revealed the location of their next clue, which was the Shiramine Jingu Shrine.
When the teams arrived at the Shiramine Jingu Shrine, they got hit with a Roadblock challenge. During it, they had to play a game called, “Kemari” to get their next clue. In this game, they had to kick a ball to pass it to others standing in a circle. They had to make five successful passes to receive their next clue.
In order to receive the Express Pass, both team members had to complete this Roadblock, “Kemari” game challenge. Jonathan completed it pretty quickly, but Ana was struggling with it. However, she eventually completed it so they could win the Express Pass.
After the teams completed the Roadblock challenge, they got hit with their detours. They were able to choose to do either the “Fold It” detour or the “Fling It” detour. The “Fold It” detour required the teams to build a giant origami crane to get their next clue. The “Fling It” detour required the teams to hit a target with various ninja weapons to get their next clue.
After the teams successfully completed their detours, they were told to hit up the Komyo-Ji Temple, which was the pit stop for this leg of the race.
Scott & Lori made it to the pit stop first, and won $5,000 dollars each. Phil also gave them a tease of the next leg’s twist, which is called, “The Driver’s Seat.” This will give a team the power to determine how much work the other teams must do.
Carson and Jack came in second place. Jonathan & Ana took third place. Melinda & Erika arrived in 4th place. Brett & Mark claimed the 5th spot. Pops & Jeff came in 6th place. Alyssa & Josiah arrived in 7th place. Nick & Mike took 8th place. Han & Holden came in 9th place.
Bernie & Carrigain took the very important 10th spot to just narrowly avoid elimination. Courtney & Jasmin showed up last, and they were eliminated.
That is a wrap for this latest, “The Amazing Race” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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