Found March 20 Episode 16 Spoilers Reveal An EMT Abduction Scandal
NBC is officially confirmed to air another new episode of Found tonight, March 20, 2025, and it will feature the scandalous abduction of an EMT and more. This episode is the 16th installment for this current season 2.
According to NBC’s official episode 16 press release information, the writers decided to call/title this episode, “Missing While Witnessed.”
This episode is going to feature M&A, Margaret, Trent, Heather and more in action. The first spoiler scoop is telling us all about the abducted EMT that we mentioned earlier in this article. The EMT will actually get abducted right in broad daylight.
This crime will prompt M&A to run an investigation into it. However, their investigation will only create more questions and hardly any answers.
As for Margaret’s storyline, she will be seen, taking a deep, hard look at how she behaved after Jamie went missing.
A 3rd and final teaser spoiler for this new episode 16 lets us know that Heather is going to find herself getting involved in a case that’s close to M&A. Her involvement will cause Trent to make a very hard decision.
NBC’s official description for this new episode 16 of Found season 2 reads like this, “When an EMT is abducted in broad daylight, M&A’s investigation creates more questions than answers. Margaret reflects on her behavior after Jamie disappeared. Trent makes a tough choice when Heather finds herself involved in a case close to M&A.”
Again, NBC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Found’s current season 2 is scheduled to hit your TV screens tonight, March 20, 2025 in the 9 pm central standard time slot.
That is a wrap for this latest, “Found” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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