Watson March 23 Episode 7 Spoilers Reveal A Three Minute Memory Loss Patient

Watson March 23 Episode 7 Spoilers Reveal A Three Minute Memory Loss Patient

CBS is scheduled to deliver the next, new episode 7 of Watson’s current, premiere season 1 tonight, March 23, 2025, and it will feature a patient that loses their memory every three minutes and more.

CBS’ official episode 7 press release intel is telling us that the writers have named/titled this episode, “Teeth Marks.”

This episode will feature Watson, the team, Moriarty and more in action. The first spoiler scoop is talking about the female patient who keeps losing her memory every three minutes. Watson and the team will try to help her out at some point.

During their quest to help out this memory loss patient, Watson will struggle with his own issues as he’ll get hit with auditory hallucinations to the point that he will start to question if someone is actually to cause for his current decline.

A second and last spoiler for this new episode 7 reveals that Moriarty will get some new screentime. In Moriarty’s latest scene, he will be seen in the midst of trying to cook up his next plan of action.

CBS’ official description for this new episode 7 of Watson season 1 reads like this,”While Watson and the team help a woman whose memory resets every three minutes, Watson struggles with auditory hallucinations and questions whether someone is behind his current decline. Also, Moriarty plots his next move on the CBS Original series WATSON.”


Episode 7 will feature one guest star, which is Randall Park as character James Moriarty. Episode 7 was written by Charly Evon Simpson, and it was directed by Jennifer Lynch.

CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 7 of Watson’s current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to hit your TV screens tonight, March 23, 2025 in the 8 pm central standard time slot.

It will also be available for streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs).

That is a we’ve got for this latest, “Watson” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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