The Hunting Party March 24 Episode 8 Spoilers Reveal A Copy Cat Killer Scandal

The Hunting Party March 24 Episode 8 Spoilers Reveal A Copy Cat Killer Scandal

NBC is confirmed to deliver up another new episode for their new crime/drama series titled, “The Hunting Party” tonight, March 24, 2025, and it will feature a killer who has decided to copy someone else’s style of murder and more. This episode is the 8th one for this season 1.

NBC’s official episode 8 press release information is telling us that the writers decided to title this episode, “Denise Glenn.”

This episode will feature an escaped serial killer, Bex and more in action. The spoiler information reveals that a serial killer will escape from prison at some point in this installment. This serial killer is from a place called the Pit, and he or she will decide to copy the murdering style of an inmate in an effort to pay some sort of homage to the inmate.

NBC’s official description for this new episode 8 of The Hunting Party season 1 reads like this, “The student becomes the master when an escaped serial killer from the Pit decides to adopt another inmate’s style of killing as a way of paying homage to them.”

Again, NBC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of The Hunting Party’s current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to make its way to the air tonight, March 24, 2025 in the 9 pm central standard time slot.

That is all the official spoiler scoops we could get out of NBC for this latest, “The Hunting Party” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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