New Suicide Squad Margo Robbie Dropped New Harley Quinn & Will Smith Intel

New Suicide Squad Margo Robbie Dropped New Harley Quinn & Will Smith Intel

Recently, Cineplex got to talk with Suicide Squad Harley Quinn star, Margo Robbie, and she revealed some small, new details about Harley and getting to work with Will Smith again after the whole “Focus” movie project.

It turns out that Margo definitely adores Will and really looked forward to working with him on this flick. In fact, she actually strongly encouraged him sign up for Suicide Squad when she heard about him possibly doing it.

Here’s how she describes it: “I enjoyed working with Will so, so much that I was overjoyed when I heard that we would be working together again. I actually texted Will when I heard he was in negotiations to be in Suicide Squad and kept peer-pressuring him, ‘You’d better be taking this movie!’ He obviously signed on for his own reasons, but I was so incredibly happy that we got to do Round Two. He’s awesome on set and awesome off set. He’s just a really, really good person.”

And, of course, she also revealed some interesting details about Harley’s character, calling her: “creepy, violent, crazy, all of the things that I aspire to be! No, It’s the fun of living vicariously through someone who is doing things that I would never do in real life.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite TV show stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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