‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Is Bringing Back A Pretty Interesting Female Character In January 2018

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Is Bringing Back A Pretty Interesting Female Character In January 2018

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We’ve got a bit of very interesting news to share with you guys today. This latest report comes from the folks over at soapcentral by way of Soap Opera Digest. I turns out that the Bold And The Beautiful production crew is reaching back into their past characters bag to bring back another previous female that hasn’t been seen for a quite a while. Like 2014.

This character is none other than Brooke and Deacon’s scandalous affair child Hope Logan. This time, Hope will have a different look to her as she’s yet another character that has been recast. Previously, she was portrayed by actress Kim Matula. But, we guess she wasn’t available for the job this time around, or they just wanted to get someone else. Whatever the case, the decision was made to hire actress Annika Nolle to come on and portray the role of Hope Logan.

Annika Nolle’s acting resume includes roles in: Act of God (short),The Perfect Gentleman (short),$weethearts (short),The Black Keys: Howlin’ for You (video short), Love’s Christmas Journey (TV Movie), Sea Sick (Video short), Found (short), Venice the Series (TV Series),Pretty Pictures (Short), Jersey Boys,Head Trauma (short), The Night Before (short), Evan’s Crime, Bree Does Comedy (TV Series), Chasing Life (TV Series), True to the Game, Demon Lake and Bella Mia.

So, it sounds like Annika has been taking any work she can get since 2010. It doesn’t matter if it was a short or whatever. She was on it. This new ‘Bold And The Beautiful” gig will be a pretty big role for her. You guys can view a photo of Annika Nolle on her official IMDB page by Clicking Here. She’s beautiful.

Currently, there are no officially confirmed details about what Hope will be doing when she finally returns to the storylines. It’s unclear if she will just be a guest, recurring or contract role. The only details we have right now is that she’s supposed to show up onscreen in January 2018 sometime. Hopefully,some extra details will surface about her character in the coming weeks.

The last time we saw Hope in action was way, way back in 2014 when she was portrayed by Kim Matula. According to the Wikia page for Hope Logan, she was the result of a scandalous affair that took place between Brooke Logan and Deacon Sharpe back in 2002. At the time, Deacon was married to Brooke’s oldest daughter Bridget Forrester. Wow, this show really does like keeping romance within the family.

Anyways, Hope’s name came from a new, renewed state of mind that Brooke had taken on at the time after being shamed for a while over her indiscretion. At one point, Hope almost drowned when her hair got caught in the drain of a hot tub. She also suffered two seizures and went into a coma. Fortunately, she eventually made a full recovery.

A series of more unfortunate events led to Brooke losing custody of Hope. Ridge eventually ended up being the one to raise Hope. In 2010, the show decided to introduce a teenage version of Hope played by Kim Matula. At that time, she was brought on to be an intern at Forrester Creations. During this time, Hope really pissed off her step sister Steffy Forrester.

Apparently, Steffy didn’t want to share Ridge with Hope at work too and felt slighted when Hope’s idea for a fashion line was chosen over hers. Hope was almost raped at one point too when she ran to photographer Graham Darros. Graham drugged her by slipping something into her drink. Fortunately for Hope, she was rescued by Nick before Graham got started.

Since then, Hope has been involved in a romance situation with character Oliver Jones. That ended up resulting in a huge rivalry with Steffy because Steffy decided that she wanted to take Oliver for herself. Steffy also sabotaged one of Hope’s fashion shows.

Hope also got romantically involved with Liam at one point when he was just a newcomer to the scene. Then Steffy decided to go after Liam too. Hope would eventually break up with with Liam and get back together with him on multiple occasions. At one point, Liam and Hope were about to get married, but Steffy moved in and ruined all that when she was seen by Hope kissing Liam.

From there, Hope got romantically involved with Thomas Forrester for a period of time. However, she would find her way back to Liam after a series of wild events. At one point, Hope experienced major issues with a pill addiction. Apparently, she was prescribed them to get over her sexual anxieties so she could make love to Liam. The pill problem got so bad that it eventually drove Liam back to Steffy.

What’s even worse is that Hope was never in good graces with the very crooked Bill Spencer, and he did everything in his power to break up Hope and Liam in multiple storylines. Hope also got involved with Wyatt and married him at one point. She also got preggers by Wyatt. Unfortunately, Hope lost her child after tripping down some patio stairs.

Hope’s last set of storylines before exiting in 2014 involved her trying to guilt trip Deacon into not marrying Quinn. Hope was definitely mixed up in a lot of very tumultuous relationships and fallouts.

So, it’s certainly going to be quite interesting to see what they’ll have Hope doing this time around. What do you you guys think about the Bold and The Beautiful bringing Hope Logan back into the picture? Do you like the idea? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments.

In related news, we do have some interesting details about what direction the current storylines are about to take in this upcoming week. As previously reported, Thorne Forrester is returning to shake things up between Brooke and Ridge. We’re also going to see Sally re-enter the picture. What’s real interesting is that Sally is going to pay Liam a very surprising visit.

What will take place during that visit? That’s the huge question for this particular storyline. What will Sally say to him? What will Liam say to her? We definitely can’t wait for that. Super shady Bill is also going to offer Steffy another proposition at some point. Apparently, this new proposition won’t be attractive either because Steffy is going to totally turn it down.

Still, we’re intrigued to see what this new Bill proposition is. We’re guessing it’ll be something that’s quite scandalous and insane. We’re also going to see the return of another previous character Donna Logan played by actress Jennifer Gareis’.

What will Donna Logan be doing when she returns? Well, according to the folks over at Soaps.com, Brooke portrayer Katherine Kelly Lang recently shared a candid photo from the Bold and The Beautiful upcoming Christmas 2017 episode. Jennifer Gareis aka Donna is in the photo behind Katherina aka Brooke. So, it appears that Donna will return for the holidays.

There’s no word on if Donna will stay around longer than that. The last time we saw Donna in action was back in October 2016 when she eavedropped on Eric and Quinn sharing a very passionate kiss.

What do you guys think about another Donna Logan appearance? Are you excited? Do you hate it? Or do you not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments.

One more thing. It appears that they haven’t gotten rid of crazy Sheila Carter yet. We’re seeing that she’ll return to the storyline this week. She will still be working at that II Giardino restaurant, and there’s no telling what she’ll be up to now. We’ll just have to wait and see.

The Bold And The Beautiful airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Bold And The Beautiful Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.

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