American Ninja Warrior August 5, 2019 Seattle/Tacoma City Finals Results Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “American Ninja Warrior” fans. Tonight, August 5, 2019, the Seattle/Tacoma City finals did indeed air. In this episode, the contestants had to get through a course that was filled with the following obstacles in the order they are presented here: Shrinking Steps, Lunatic Ledges, the Barrel Roll, the Broken Bridge, Lightning Bolts, Warped Wall, Salmon Ladder, Floating Monkey Bars, Northwest Passage, Spider Trap and the Power Tower.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with contestant Nick Hanson. During his run, he was able to make it to the Floating Monkey Bars part of the course before falling off.
Next up was Olympic athlete Jeremy Taiwo. He is a Decathlete that competed in the Rio games as part of Team USA. During his run, he made it to the Lunatic Leges obstacle before giving out.
After that, Jake Murray made his attempt. He was able to make it to the Lightning Bolts before falling off.
Next up was Jackson Meyer. During his turn , he was able to make it to the Lightning Bolts before his time came to an end.
Glenn Albright made his run next. He also fell during the Lightning Bolts.
Next, came David Moonen. He was able to make it to the Floating Monkey Bars before losing out.
Mady Howard showed up next. She’s a 23 year old rookie. She’s also an ICU nurse with a gymnastics background. During her course run in tonight’s episode, she was able to make it to the Floating Monkey Bars before falling off.
Christie Marie was next. She’s a P.E. teacher. During her course run, she fell off on the Broken Ridge obstacle.
Sean Darling-Hammond was next. He fell off during the Floating Monkey Bars after trying to pull off a long dismount.
Scott Behrends showed up next. He an his family are huge fans of American Ninja Warrior. During his run, he got stopped out on the Floating Monkey Bars.
Lance Pekus was up next. During his run, he made it all the way to the Lightning Bolts before things ended for him.
Six-time veteran Karson Voiles was up next. During his course run, he became the first person of the night to make it past the Floating Monkey Bars. Unfortunately, the Northwest Passage obstacle ended up being his demise.
Next, they showed contestants: Gavin Maxwell, Rainer Jundt, Ben Martin, and Bart Copeland all falling off on the Lightning Bolts obstacle.
Sandy Zimmerman was up next. She is the first woman this season to hit a buzzer. During her course run in this episode, she was able to make it all the way to the Floating Monkey Bars before getting taken out.
Leif Sundberg took his shot at the course next. Unfortunately for him, he got knocked off during the Lightning Bolts obstacle.
Matt Dolce was up next. He’s a pharmacist. He was able to make it all the way to the Floating Monkey Bars during his course run tonight.
Dan Yager was up next. During his intense run, Dan was able to make it all the way to the 9th obstacle which was the Northwest Passage. So, he had a very strong run.
Next up was Meagan Martin. She’s a five-time National Finals contestant. During her course run in tonight’s episode, she too became another victim of the dreaded Lightning Bolts obstacle.
Marquez Green was up next. During his run, he also got dropped during the Lightning Bolts obstacle.
Next up was 19 year old Zach Scholes. He end up making it to the Floating Monkey Bars with a good enough time to get him to the Vegas finals.
Nate Burkhalter was up next. During his course run tonight, Nate was able to make it to the Floating Monkey Bars before meeting his demise.
Tug boat worker and rookie Alex Hatch was up next. During his run, he took a tumble on the Lightning Bolts.
Brandon Varner stepped up to the plate next. He too became a victim of the Lightning Bolts obstacle during his course run.
Lorin Ball hit the course next. He’s competed on every season of the show. During his run, he made it to the Floating Monkey Bars before taking a hit, but it was good enough to advance him through to the National Finals.
Sean Bryan was up next. He was another one who went out on the Floating Monkey Bars obstacle. However, he has a safety pass. So, he’s automatically through to the Vegas finals.
Jessie Graff was up next. She was the last contestant of the night. She needed to make it to the Floating Monkey Bars to advance to the National finals. During her run, she became the first woman of the night to make it past the Floating Monkey Bars obstacle!
She ended up falling on the Northwest Passage obstacle during her attempt at the second panel. However, her run was good enough to send her through to the National Finals!
After that, it came down to the Power Tower challenge between the top two contestants of the night: Dan Yager and Karson Voiles.
Dan messed up during his ring grab, and that would prove to be too big of a mistake as Karson blazed way ahead of Dan to win this thing and claim the Safety Pass. So, Karson Voiles is the winner of the Seattle/Tacoma City Finals.
How do you guys feel about that? Let us know in the comments section. Next Monday, August 12, 2019, NBC will air the Baltimore City Finals, starting at 7 pm central standard time.
You guys can view highlights from tonight’s August 5, 2019 “American Ninja Warrior” episode on the show’s official Youtube channel by Clicking Here.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “American Ninja Warrior” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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