New Queen Of The South Spoilers For Season 5, April 14, 2021 Episode 2 Revealed

New Queen Of The South Spoilers For Season 5, April 14, 2021 Episode 2 Revealed

Hey, “Queen Of The South” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed the premiere episode 1 of Queen of The South’s brand new season 5 tonight, especially after having to wait nearly two years to see it due to the terrible pandemic.

Now that episode 1 is behind us, we are back in action to tell you a few things that will play out in the next, new episode 2, which is currently scheduled to arrive next Wednesday night, April 14, 2021.

The USA network unfortunately did not supply us with an official press release for episode 2, and to be quite frank, we’re not sure if they ever will for any of season 5’s new episodes. However, they did serve up an official preview clip for episode 2. So, that will have to serve as our spoiler source for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.

First thing’s first. It’s been revealed that episode 2 is officially titled, “Me Llevo Manhattan.” In the new preview clip for episode 2, Teresa is definitely in the spotlight and highly ticked off saying, “These men came to kill me. I’m done playing games.”

At one point, Teresa is seen being told that the men who tried to attack her are Russian military, and they need to find out who they’re working for now.

Judge Cecil Lafayette is seen in the clip saying, “You Bring me Dumas.”

The clip caps off with Boaz asking Teresa, “What do you want to do?” Teresa answers him by saying she wants to destroy! So, there’s definitely some serious and intense stuff going down in this episode. You guys can view the new episode 2 preview clip for Queen Of The South’s brand new season 5 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

USA Network confirmed that the next, new episode 2 of Queen of The South’s current season 5 is indeed scheduled to hit the airwaves next Wednesday night,April 14, 2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Queen Of The South” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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