Naomi Season 1, April 5, 2022 Episode 10 Delayed. Not Airing For A While
Hey, “Naomi” fans. Unfortunately, it’s time for us to give you some bad news again. For some unknown reason, The CW folks are not airing the next, new episode 10 of Naomi’s current, premiere season 1 tonight, April 5, 2022. They’re also not going to air it for pretty much all this month!
That’s right, guys. Naomi is currently in the delay box for 3 whole weeks. The CW has informed us that they intend to air the new episode 10 on Tuesday night, April 5, 2022 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely be sure to jot down that very important date and time and commit to memory.
We did find out what will be replacing Naomi in The CW’s primetime line up during this 3-week delay period. According to the TV guide listings, nothing will be replacing Naomi. The CW is still going to air Naomi, but it will just be a bunch of reruns. Tonight, they’re going to re-air the 6th episode of this season 1 titled, “Homecoming.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “The tension between Nathan and Anthony escalates when Anthony feels the Homecoming tradition is being disrespected by a military kid. Naomi discovers a potential new source of information. Zumbado has a run-in with Greg and Jennifer.”
Next Tuesday night, April 12, 2022, The CW will re-air the 7th episode of this season 1 titled, “I Am Not a Used Car Salesman.” The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “When Naomi finds herself in dire circumstances, she’s forced to seek help from Zumbado.”
Then, on Tuesday night, April 18, 2022, The CW will re-air the 8th episode of this season 1 titled, “Fellowship of the Disc.” The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Naomi (Kaci Walfall) must take special care to protect her identity after Jacob (Aidan Gemme) shares obscure information with her and Annabelle (Mary-Charles Jones).
Greg (Barry Watson) and Jennifer (Mouzam Makkar) celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary while also giving serious consideration to their future and how best to protect Naomi. Meanwhile, Dee (Alexander Wraith) and Zumbado (Cranston Johnson) disagree on how Naomi should be trained for a larger, very imminent threat.
Nathan (Daniel Puig) and Anthony (Will Meyers) choose the comic bookstore for their class volunteer project, but Lourdes (Camila Moreno) finds their presence to be more of an intrusion into her private life.”
If any of you guys are down for watching a series of Naomi, repeat episodes, you might still want to stick with The CW during this 3-week delay period. If you only want to watch new episodes of Naomi, you will definitely want to avoid The CW on Tuesday nights until that April 26, 2022 date gets here.
Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we were able to track down some new, spoilery, promotional material for the next, new episode 10 of Naomi’s current season 1. Apparently, The CW released a new preview clip and title for episode 10. The title is called, “Fallout.”
The episode 10 preview clip features some very interesting, intense, action-filled and dramatic-looking scenes. You guys can view it over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Again, The CW confirmed that the next, new episode 10 of Naomi’s current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to finally make its way to the air on Tuesday night, April 26, 2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That’s a wrap for this latest, “Naomi” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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