Big Brother 24 Spoilers: September 23, 2022 Second Round HOH Winner Revealed

Big Brother 24 Spoilers: September 23, 2022 Second Round HOH Winner Revealed

Hey,fellow, “Big Brother” fans. We are back to deliver yet another very important report from inside the Big Brother season 24 house. The second round of the final, 3-part HOH (Head Of Household) competition did take place earlier today, September 23, 2022, and we do have the results for you guys.

As we previously reported, Turner was the winner of the first round competition, which automatically let him stroll directly to the 3rd and final round. So, that left Monte and Taylor to battle it out in this second round competition to get that final spot in the 3rd and last round.

We don’t know exactly what the second round comp entailed, but when it was all played and done, it was the likely favorite to win it Monte who didn’t let us down. That’s right, guys. Monte was able to beat out Taylor in the second round as expected. So, we’re going to see Monte go to the 3rd round to face Turner for the very last HOH in this Sunday night’s, September 25, 2022 finale episode!

According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, Taylor revealed on the feeds that she lost to Monte by just 20 seconds. So, it was definitely a timed event that they competed in.

Generally, in these second round competitions, they make the houseguests do a physical/mental comp, and whoever completes it the fastest is the winner. It’s no doubt that’s what happened here. Whatever the case, we’ll see it all play out in the finale episode this Sunday night.

Based on what we’ve seen this season, it seems quite likely that both Turner and Monte will take each other to the final 2 if they win this last HOH. However, Monte did start up that showmance with Taylor this past week. So, that could affect his decision-making.

At around 4:41 pm pacific time today, September 23, 2022, Turner was seen saying, “I know I’m not taking Taylor to the final 2. However, I’m not sure what Monte is thinking since he’s gotten very close with Taylor.”

At around 4:43 pm, Turner was seen telling Monte, “Both Taylor and I would take you to final 2. So, you were good either way.” Monte said, “Yeah, but I like being in the driver’s seat.”

At around 4:56 pm, Turner told Monte again, “I will take you to final 2. I’m not giving you the run around.” Monte said, “I know. I could’ve evicted you before now.” Turner also told Monte, “I will still be friends with you even if you dupe me. I would be upset, but still homies.”

Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, we can definitely assume that Turner is still committed to going to the end with Monte, but Monte could still possibly flip on Turner. So, we’ll have to wait and see what happens this Sunday night.

How do you guys feel about Monte winning the second round of the final HOH competition? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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