New Found Season 1 November 14, 2023 Episode 7 Spoilers Revealed

New Found Season 1 November 14, 2023 Episode 7 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Found” fans. It’s that time of the week again. Another new episode of Found will be hitting your TV screens tonight, November 14, 2023. That’s right, guys. The folks over at NBC are going to serve up the next, new episode 7 of Found’s current, premiere season 1 tonight, and we’ve got some new, spoilery intel for it.

We were able to get a hold of an official teaser description for one of episode 7’s main storylines via NBC’s official episode 7 press release synopsis. So, that is what we’ll be digging into for this spoiler session. Let’s get to it.

First thing’s first. There is an official title for this new episode 7 of Found’s current season 1. The writers decided to name it, “Missing While Indigenous.” It sounds like episode 7 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic, emotional, suspenseful and possible action-filled scenes.

In this new episode 7, the search for a missing school teacher will be the main focus of this storyline that NBC chose to reveal. Yep, a Native American school teacher named Denae Wagon will end up giving birth to a child on the tribe’s reservation over in Virginia.

Afterwards, she will turn up missing. Her disappearance will prompt a search to take place in an effort to try and find her, but the search will be made quite difficult due to some intense family dynamics and more.

NBC’s official description for tonight’s new episode 7 of Found season 1 reads like this, “Native American schoolteacher Denae Wagon decides to deliver her baby on the tribe’s reservation in Virginia but disappears before she can make it home. The search is complicated by a tense family dynamic and Denae’s high-risk pregnancy.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 7 of Found’s current, premiere season 1 is indeed scheduled to arrive on your TV sets tonight, November 14, 2023, starting at approximately 9 pm central standard time. Tonight’s new episode will be a 1-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 10 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Found” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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