America’s Got Talent September 17 LIVE Finale Performances Episode Preview Revealed

America’s Got Talent September 17 LIVE Finale Performances Episode Preview Revealed

Hey, “America’s Got Talent” fans. We’re back in your faces to let you know that the NBC people are indeed serving up another new, LIVE, performances episode 19 of America’s Got Talent’s current season 19 tonight, September 17, 2024, and we’ve got some new preview intel for it to run by you guys. So, with no further ado, we’re going to dive right into it.

We were able to get an official press release for tonight’s new episode 19 from the NBC folks. So, we will certainly reference it for this preview session. Let’s go.

In tonight’s new episode 19, you guys are going to see the final, top 10 contestants hit the stage for the very last time to deliver a performance that they hope will make them a winner of this entire friggin season!

That’s right, guys. It’s all or nothing for these contestants tonight. Either they deliver a winning performance, or they’re going home empty-handed. Again, this is just a performance show tonight. The results of tonight’s finale performances will not be revealed until next Tuesday night, September 24, 2024. America will get to vote for their favorite contestant after the performances wrap up tonight.

NBC’s official description for tonight’s new episode 19 reads like this, “America’s Got Talent Finale Performances Live. The top 10 acts perform one last time for their chance to win $1 million and be named the most talented act in America.”

The final, top 10 contestants who are hitting the stage tonight are: Roni Sagi & Rhythm – Dog act, Sky Elements – Drone act, Learnmore Jonasi – Comedian, Solange Kardinaly – Quick change magic, Brent Street – Dance group, Richard Goodall – Singer, AIRFOOTWORKS – Dance group, Sebastian & Sonia – Aerial act, Dee Dee Simon – Singer and Hakuna Matata Acrobats.

Again, NBC’ press release confirmed that the new, LIVE, finale performances episode 19 of America’s Got Talent’s current season 19 is indeed scheduled to hit the air tonight, September 17, 2024 in the 7 pm central standard time slot. It will be a 2-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest, “America’s Got Talent” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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