Survivor October 9 Voted Off Kishan Patel In A Wicked Blindside (Recap)

Survivor October 9 Voted Off Kishan Patel In A Wicked Blindside (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, October 9, 2024, another new episode of Survivor’s current season 47 did indeed hit the air, and another unlucky contestant got voted off via a royal blindside. Tonight’s new episode kicked off with talk about the last tribal council meeting.

At Lavo, Sol told the private cams, “My a^* got blindsided.” Teeny told Sol she voted for him, and she felt bad about it. He told her not to. It’s just a game. Rome told the private cams, “If we go back to tribal council, I’m sure it will be Sol who goes next.”

At Tuku, Gabe told the private cams, “I’m very confident in my alliance with Sue.” Sue went looking for an immunity idol, and she found a beware advantage. She lost a vote until she found the idol at a palm tree. She did end up finding it super quick, and it was good until only 5 players were left in the game.

Tiyana got suspicious of Sue because she saw some of the red paint that Sue failed to wash away when she was looking for the idol. At Lavo, Rome followed Sol around to make sure he didn’t go looking for an idol. Teeny told the private cams that she didn’t like Rome following Sol around. Genevieve also told the private cams that she didn’t like Rome following him around. Genevieve told the private cams she would try and nurture a relationship with Sol.

Sierra told the private cams she’s still up in the air about working with Andy, calling him a sloppy player. She told Andy that she was in a girl alliance called, “Breadwinners.” Andy told Sam about it. Sam didn’t know anything about the “Breadwinners” alliance. So, he confronted Sierra about it and told her that Andy told him about it. Sierra told Sam that she’s just playing along with the all-girl alliance, but that made Sierra even more uncomfortable about working with Andy, and she told Sam this.

Sam told the private cams, “Sierra doesn’t want to work with Andy, and that’s not going to work for me.” So, they started to argue about working with Andy.

Next, host Jeff Probst showed up with a new immunity challenge. During it, they had to roll a heavy metal cube to retrieve some bags. Then, toss two sand bags on a barrel without them falling off. Carry a lot of heavy sand bags to a platform. Dig for keys, and complete a Survivor Fire puzzle for the win.

The Gata won it in first place. Tuku won it in second place, and the Lavo tribe lost again. So, they had to figure out who to vote off at the next tribal council meeting. This immunity challenge also doubled as a reward challenge. Gata won 3, egg-laying hens for first place. Tuku won 6 eggs for second place. Andy from Gata, Teeny from Lavo and Caroline from Tuku took the special boat trip journey.

At Lavo, Rome was still saying that Sol is the target to vote off. He and Kishan made plans to try and strong arm Sol into not using his shot in the dark. Rome told Sol he will use his steal a vote on Sol if he does not give him his shot in the dark.

Sol felt threatened and refused to hand over his shot in the dark to Rome. So, Rome told him, “That’s fine. I’m going to steal your vote so you can’t play it.” Kishan didn’t like how Rome was going about things. So, he started pitching a plan to blindside Rome. Sol said he’s ready to do it. Genevieve agreed to do it in the moment.

Next, we got footage of Andy, Teeny and Caroline’s boat trip. They chatted about the game for a bit. Then, they were hit with a challenge that required one of them to give up their vote at the next tribal council meeting to get an advantage. If they couldn’t agree, all three of them lost their vote.

Teeny agreed to give up her vote, and they ended up getting an amulet idol, but it didn’t work right now. It had all kinds of weird stipulations that I can’t even begin to remember, and they can’t use it until later on in the game. So, it was pretty lame.

Back at Lavo, Teeny told the private cams, “I wanna work with Sol.” Plans were made to blindside Rome. However, Genevieve started telling the private cams, “Rome is an asset for me” after Rome told her Kishan threw her name out there as decoy vote.

Genevieve told Rome about the Kishan plan to get him out. Rome told the private cams, “I’m pretty hurt by this. I can’t believe Kishan would try to pull this move. I was trying to protect out four.” Geneveive wanted to pull off a Kishan bindside, but Sol refused to work with her because he really wanted to vote off Rome. Rome tried to apologize to Sol for following him and threatening him so he could get Sol to go along with the new plan to vote off Kishan.

At the Lavo tribal council meeting, they talked about the whole Rome and Sol issues for a bit. Rome apologized to Sol again for disrespecting him. Rome decided to steal Kishan’s vote. Teeny told the private cams that she had no idea what was going on.

Finally, it was revealed that Kishan received all three of the votes. So, he was royally blindsided. He told Genevieve, “I trusted us three. Good luck ya’ll” on the way out.

Kishan told the private cams, “I got blindsided. It’s as simple as that. Respect to them. It was a good move. That’s the beauty of the game. You never know what to expect. That’s what makes it fun.”

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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