New Amazing Spider Man 3 Totally In The Works,Release Date Already Revealed & More

New Amazing Spider Man 3 Totally In The Works,Release Date Already Revealed & More

Yep, it’s true guys, and has been for quite a while now. In fact, not is there going to be a 3rd sequel, they’ve also got a release date set for a 4th installment! The 3rd one is set to arrive in theaters on June 10th, 2016. Then the 4th installment will show up in theaters on May 4th,2018. So, if you’re a fan of this new Spider-Man rebooted franchise, you definitely have something to look forward to over the next 4 years.

The extremely short synopsis for Amazing Spider Man 3, reads like this: “Peter Parker/Spider-Man faces a new challenge to protect New York City.” As for the current Spider-Man 2, the top critics gave it mixed reviews according to the site with about a 53 out of a 100 overall rating. it opened up at $8.7 million dollars this past Thursday, May 1st. They’re looking to hit $95 million dollars before this opening weekend is over, so we’ll see.

There’s also a reported teaser clip for the 3rd sequel during the closing credits of the film, so you’ll want to stick around and watch that if you haven’t seen it yet in theaters. Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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