Survivor 29 Natalie Anderson Won The Whole Show Tonight,November 17th

Survivor 29 Natalie Anderson Won The Whole Show Tonight,November 17th

natalie anderson image

Tonight’s show, kicked off with Natalie getting chewed out by Jaclyn for voting out her boyfriend ,Jon, at the previous tribal council. Meanwhile, Natalie contemplated how to keep herself safe the rest of the way. Next, they showed rewards challenge footage. It was a rope obstacle course that ended with them having to throw bags at some blocks until they cleared the entire block structure off.

Keith won to get an advantage in next immunity challenge. And he sent Jaclyn to exile island. More conversation footage, showed Baylor and Natalie planning to vote off Keith if he didn’t win the immunity challenge. It was revealed that Keith’s advantage allowed him to practice the immunity challenge ahead of time. Next, they showed the immunity challenge. It was some sort of a ball maze challenge and Keith won it convincingly, foiling Baylor and Natalie’s plans to vote him out.

Afterwards, they showed more conversation footage. Jaclyn begged Natalie not to vote her out. Meanwhile, Baylor asked Natalie to use the immunity idol on her mother , Missy, and vote Jaclyn out, heading into tribal council.

At tribal council, everyone talked game for a bit before casting their votes. Natalie sprang a huge surprise by using her hidden immunity idol on Jaclyn, totally betraying Baylor! Oh,my gosh! So, Jaclyn got 3 votes and Baylor got 2 votes. None of the votes against Jaclyn counted, so Baylor got hardcore blindsided. Oh, my gosh. That was so crazy!!!

After a break, they showed more conversation footage. Natalie explained that she didn’t want to trust two family members working together. Missy didn’t hold any hard feelings against Natalie for betraying her daughter , Baylor, as she thought it was a smart game move. Baylor also didn’t express any hard feelings in her exit interview.

Next, they jumped right back into immunity challenge action. It was an obstacle, puzzle and combination lock challenge. Jaclyn edged out Natalie for the win to guarantee herself a spot in the final 3. During the conversation footage. Jaclyn contemplated voting out Natalie ,thinking she could possibly beat her in the finals. She even brought the subject up to Missy, heading into tribal council.

At tribal council, everyone talked game for a bit before casting their votes. Missy ended up getting 1 vote and Keith got 2 votes. So, with 2 votes, Keith was ousted as Jaclyn just couldn’t find it in her heart to get rid of Natalie after she saved her with the immunity idol at the previous tribal council.

From there, they showed footage of Natalie,Missy and Jaclyn enjoying a big feast for making it to the end before hitting up the final tribal council to deliver their final plea speeches to the jury as well as answer their tough questions as to why they should win.

At one point, Reed really let Missy have it, because he was still very upset about how he thought Baylor acted on the island. He must have rambled for at least five minutes about how he thought Baylor and Missy were just awful. After all that, the jury casts their votes for who should win.

Then it fast-forwarded to the live show where ,host Jeff Probst, immediately read off the votes to reveal that Jaclyn got 2 votes .Natalie got 4 votes and Missy got 1 vote. So with 4 votes, Natalie did indeed win the grand prize of $1 million dollars and bragging rights as winner of Survivor 29, so congrats to her. I was definitely wrong about her. She wasn’t as awful as her sister after all,lol!! Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite TV show stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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