New Entourage Movie Received Mostly Negative Reviews From Major Critics

New Entourage Movie Received Mostly Negative Reviews From Major Critics

Warner Bros. Pictures released their new comedy film, “Entourage,” into theaters this past Wednesday, June 3rd, and all the top, major movie critics have turned in their reviews. It turns out that it didn’t quite resonate with the majority of them, getting only an overall 38 score out of a possible 100 across 38 reviews at the site.

The film stars: Billy Bob Thornton, Jeremy Piven, Nora Dunn, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Kevin Dillon, Debi Mazar, Adrian Grenier, Jerry Ferrara, Rhys Coiro, Kevin Connolly, Haley Joel Osment, Constance Zimmer, Perrey Reeves, Emily Ratajkowski and Rex Lee. We’ve supplied blurbs from a couple of the critics,below.

Mick LaSalle from the San Francisco Chronicle, gave it a pretty good 75 grade, saying: “The party scenes are entertaining fantasy, but the insider-business end of the picture is occasionally interesting in its own right.”

Chris Nashawaty from Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 75 score. He stated: “Entourage, the show and the movie, is about five insanely lucky knuckleheads who have each other’s backs in a town that’s more likely to stab you there.”

Peter Travers over at Rolling Stone, gave it a 63 grade, stating: “I’m OK with Entourage onscreen because it’s really a victory lap for a cast that once earned our DVR-ready affection. To echo Perry Farrell: “Yeah! Oh, yeah!” As for the haters? Hug it out, bitches.”

Joe Neumaier from the New York Daily News, gave it a 60 score, saying: ” Entourage plays like a solid, if slightly too long, episode. But even given the bloat, the cast’s easy camaraderie and a “play it as it lays” atmosphere wins you over.”

Andrew Barker over at Variety, gave it a 60 grade, stating: “Sometimes funny, often dumb, with equal doses of inside-baseball references and broad bro-ish boorishness, Entourage will be loved by fans and despised by detractors, possibly for the same reasons.”

Kyle Smith over at the New York Post, gave it a 50 grade. He stated: “The Entourage formula feels warmed-over, played-out, spent.”

Michael Phillips from the Chicago Tribune, gave it a 50 grade, stating: “Piven’s performance basically made the series, and to the degree the new film works, which is a little, he makes that too.”

Richard Roeper over at the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it a 50 score, stating: “There’s gratuitous nudity, lots of partying, zippy camera moves, plenty of product placement and did we mention all those celebrity cameos? It all feels more like a rerun than a fully formed, stand-alone movie.”

Sheri Linden from The Hollywood Reporter, gave it a 50 score, stating: “Amid the not-so-troubling setbacks, unbelievable triumphs and perpetual spring break, the movie takes one or two nice twists.”

Alonso Duralde over at TheWrap, gave it a 40 grade. He stated: “Piven’s Ari is so over-the-top in his narcissism and megalomania that he’s fun to watch, but the other lead characters are the kind of bros who should be having drinks thrown in their faces on a regular basis.”

Brian Tallerico over at, gave it a 38 grade, stating: “Without Piven and Dillon to keep it entertaining, it would be absolutely dreadful.”

Mark Olsen from the Los Angeles Times, gave it a 30 grade, claiming: “That the bonds of friendship between Vince and his pals are predicated so strongly on excluding others feels regressive and drags the movie away from harmless high jinks into something needlessly more spiteful and ugly.”

Peter Keough from the Boston Globe, gave it a very bad 25 score, stating: “The film is stuck in the inconsequential rut of the series. The characters are static, and the comedy is situational rather than dramatic.”

A.O Scott over at The New York Times, gave it a 20 score, stating: ” You could accuse it of glamorizing the shallow hedonism it depicts, but that charge would only stick if the movie had any genuine flair, romance or imagination.”

Ann Hornaday from the Washington Post, gave it a very bad 12 score, claiming: “Piven is so in the pocket as the smarmy, aggressive, inappropriate Ari that, when the movie he’s in does little more than double down on the bro-ing out, the whiffed opportunities become all the more obvious.”

Lastly, Joe Morgenstern over at the Wall Street Journal, gave it the bottom of the barrel “0” score. He stated: “Charm has curdled into smarm in the big-screen version of Entourage. The jaunty style of a hit TV series has been replaced by huge spasms of false energy and a sense of barely concealed flop sweat.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

Derek Smith
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