New Crimson Peak Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

New Crimson Peak Movie Received Mostly Positive Reviews From Major Critics

Universal Pictures released their new drama/thriller movie, “Crimson Peak,” into theaters this weekend, and all the major,top movie critics have submitted their reviews. It turns out that it resonated pretty well with the majority of them, getting an overall 67 score out of a possible 100 score across 33 reviews at the site.

The film stars: Charlie Hunnam, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska and Tom Hiddleston. We’ve posted comments from a couple of the critics, below.

Sheila O’Malley from, gave it an excellent 100 score, stating: “Crimson Peak’s atmosphere crackles with sexual passion and dark secrets. There are a couple of monsters (supernatural and human), but the gigantic emotions are the most terrifying thing onscreen.”

Chris Nashawaty from Entertainment Weekly, gave it a 67 score, saying: “Crimson Peak is a cobwebs-and-candelabras chamber piece that’s so preoccupied with being visually stunning it forgets to be scary.”

Ty Burr over at the Boston Globe , gave it a 63 grade. He stated: “This is a film that believes deeply in ghosts, and half of them are in its director’s head.”

Sara Stewart from the New York Post, gave it a 63 score. She stated: “Chastain and Wasikowska take center stage while Hiddleston flutters around like one of Allerdale’s huge black moths. Watching the women square off within del Toro’s eye-popping, painterly palette is a feast for the eyes, if not particularly substantial fare for the mind.”

A.O. Scott over at The New York Times, gave it a 60 grade, stating: “The film is too busy, and in some ways too gross, to sustain an effective atmosphere of dread. It tumbles into pastiche just when it should be swooning and sighing with earnest emotion.”

Kenneth Turan at the Los Angeles Times, gave it a 60 grade, stating: “Crimson Peak’s astonishing visuals don’t enhance its story (co-written by the director and Matthew Robbins); they overwhelm it, encouraging us to stand back and admire the look when we should be involved in the emotional mechanics of this lurid tale.”

Todd McCarthy from the The Hollywood Reporter, gave it a 60 score, stating: “The gifted fantasy/sci-fi/horror specialist has made a film that’s very bloody, and bloody stylish at that, one that’s certainly unequaled in its field for the beauty of its camerawork, sets, costumes and effects. But it’s also conventionally plotted and not surprising or scary at all, as it resurrects hoary horror tropes from decades ago to utilize them in conventional, rather than fresh or subversive ways.”

Richard Roeper over at the Chicago Sun-Times, gave it 50 grade. He stated: “Crimson Peak is a gorgeous mediocrity.”

Michael Phillips from the Chicago Tribune, gave it a 50 score, saying: “Not even the film’s occasional bursts of ultra-violence, or the endlessly oozing red clay, or Hiddleston crying a red tear, or Chastain swanning around in one flaming crimson ball gown after another, can infuse this gorgeous bore with anything like red-blooded suspense.”

Peter Debruge from Variety, gave it a 50 grade, stating: “Aflame with color and awash in symbolism, this undeniably ravishing yet ultimately disappointing haunted-house meller is all surface and no substance, sinking under the weight of its own self-importance into the sanguine muck below.”

Finally, Michael O’Sullivan from the Washington Post, gave it a 37 grade, claiming: “The film by the stylish fantasist Guillermo del Toro looks marvelous, but has a vein of narrative muck at its core.” Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite TV show stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

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