Big Brother 19 Paul Rumored To Face A Very Serious Problem If He Makes Final Two

Alright, so someone that goes by the name of bbwonderland on Reddit posted something that was written by the people who run which is site that keeps up with all the Big Brother live feeds and updates.
Apparently, the people on Reddit revealed that most of the jury members except Raven and Matt are really bitter at Paul! If this is true, he will have a very big problem trying to win this season if he makes it to the final two.
Here’s exactly what the people on wrote: “A little birdie told me last night’s jury round table was a whole lot of bitter, so much so that only Matt and Raven planned to vote for Paul should he be in finals. Of course that could change by Wednesday, but it’s interesting to say the least. Dr. Will hosted the candlelight deliberation again. The only sure thing is regardless who wins this season, the fanbase will riot.”
Again, this is unofficial news from their supposed source. Since this was written, there’s been lots of speculation as to why the jury members would be so bitter towards Paul. Some believe that it’s due to how obnoxious Raven and Matt are and the other jury members are bitter just to spite them.
There’s other speculation that Dr. Will’s line of questioning could’ve possibly swayed them to look at Paul in a negative light. But again, it’s just all speculation at this point. I actually find this rumor sort of hard to believe but I guess anything’s possible.
There was some comments left on the Reddit post. They read like this,”If he loses I firmly believe it will be at least 70% because Raven and Matt are so f@#cking awful and are rooting for Paul probably loudly and obnoxiously.”
“Him answering the jury’s questions could also cause a problem. He answered some questions very poorly last year.”
The one thing we do know if this is true, we might be seeing Paul land in second place for a second straight time. He still needs to win this final round of the last three part HOH to insure that he makes it to the final two. He believes Josh will take him if he (josh) wins.
However, Josh has had his moments where he has expressed doubt about taking him to final two. So, Paul definitely needs to win this last HOH to guarantee his spot in the final two.
As previously reported, Paul was seen practicing his final two speech on the live feeds yesterday, September 17,2017. Here’s how his supposed speech will go, “Houseguests, I know that at some point every single one of you either thought of or wanted to try to get me out of this game because of who I was. I was the most obvious target of the entire game.
The second I walked through these doors not only was I faced with a disadvantage but I was forced to play a different game than all of you. I was the odd man out and I had no time to think so I started playing immediately with the friendship bracelets. I needed other people to show off their capabilities. Of course I did’t want the first HOH. I already had enough enemies. I let somebody else take the role.
At that point, I always set the example of having a house target. I always set my social game up to make sure there weren’t enough numbers to get me out. I always made sure there was a bigger target than me.
I always controlled the HOHs except two. After the first Double Elimination, the house targets started to shrink so I had to change up my strategy and I did. I positioned myself between the three pairs. At that point, my positioning was perfect. I didn’t need to win any competitions. I had everybody else win them. I had specific people win and they started to take shots at each other.
All the pairs were taking each other down instead of taking me out. I was maneuvering my way to the top until I was left with the final pair Josh and Christmas. From that point forward, I knew I had to win my way to the end and I did.
I won the most important HOH to secure my spot in the final three. And I won the most important POV to secure who came to the final three with me. And then I won part 1 and part 3 of the final HOH competition to secure my spot right here and I also got to choose who came with me.
That’s a total of ten competition wins. Every single time that I won HOH, I also won the vetoes that came with it which meant when I was in power, I had full control of the week. Not only that, the four other vetoes that I won not only kept me safe in the game but were pivotal wins that pushed me forward.
From the second I walked through those doors, I worked my a@# off day after day not only as the biggest target. Not only as the biggest threat. And whether I was your ally, friend, mentor or your target, everyone always wanted to know what I was thinking or what I was doing.
I fought my way to this point right here without even touching the block one single time. And that’s not by luck. That’s not by friendship. That’s by playing the hell out of “Big Brother” which is exactly what I came back to do. Thank You.”
So, that sounds like a pretty good speech if he does actually win the final HOH. But, if everyone but Raven and Matt are bitter at him, it might not matter. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.