New Big Brother Season 20 Major Game Changing Shocker Just Happened September 19, 2018

New Big Brother Season 20 Major Game Changing Shocker Just Happened September 19, 2018

Happy Wednesday fellow Big Brother fans. We have got some absolutely spectacular news for you guys today. A major, game-changing event has taken place in the Big Brother season 20 house! We knew there was a slight chance of this happening, but we would’ve never in a million years bet actual money on it.

But, it has happened ladies and gentlemen and the level 6 alliance of Tyler, Angela and Kaycee is in extreme trouble right now! Before we tell you exactly what happened, we need to go over who got evicted yesterday during the taped eviction ceremony. Just as we had anticipated, Sam Bledsoe did indeed get evicted from the Big Brother season 20 house yesterday, September 18, 2018.

It’s reported that Sam was cool about it. She didn’t flip out or go crazy. She actually expected to go. So, that was great. They finally got the most annoying woman on the planet out of the house. It should’ve happened way sooner in my opinion.

Now, let’s get into the meat of this article. The remaining four housguests: Tyler, JC, Angela and Kaycee competed in another, new Head Of Household competition. The competition was a mental competition called “What The Bleep.” And according to a very reliable inside source Vegasforsure on Twitter, it was that little, crazy midget JC who emerged the winner of the Head Of Household competition! That’s right guys. JC finally pulled a win out of a freaking magic hat! He literally didn’t win anything all season long, and now boom!

We had talked about the possibility of this in a previous article. We said if JC somehow won this next HOH crown, it would give us one final shake-up before season 20 comes to a close. And it freaking happened, guys! This is crazy! We heard from the people on the Rob Has A Podcast show on Youtube that JC actually beat Tyler by one point in the competition. We’ll have to see if that’s true or not when the TV show airs. If that is truly the case, it makes this thing even more wild.

The fun didn’t stop with JC’s HOH win. Oh, no, no, no. JC was quickly rushed into the eviction nomination ceremony. He ended up nominating his buddy Tyler and his showmance Angela for eviction. Vegasforsure revealed that JC’s main target is Angela. However, it’s only the Power Of Veto winner who will decide who leaves this week. With that said, I wish JC’s target was Tyler.

I’m so sick and tired of the easy ride Tyler has had all season long. I’m shocked JC still wants to keep Tyler around after discovering Tyler isn’t really working to keep him safe. I’m just totally shocked by that. What is this magic mist that has everybody wanting to keep Tyler in this game? It drives me nuts, ugh.

Anyways, that’s the current status of the house right now. The Power Of Veto competition has not been played yet. I think they’re probably going to play that one out live on tomorrow’s LIVE eviction show. I believe that’s how they’ve done it in the past if my memory serves correct.

Whatever the case, this game-changing event has put the Level 6 alliance of Tyler, Angela and Kaycee in major trouble, and I’m so happy about it. They have just been ruling the house all season long because that stupid Foutte alliance was busy fumbling vetos by giving Tyler the right answer and taking out their own alliance members. I mean it’s just really sad when you think about it.

If Tyler, Angela or Kaycee wins the veto, they will be forced to have to pick which alliance member to evict because the POV winner will be the one and only deciding vote this week. If JC wins the Power Of Veto, he will of course evict Angela since that’s his main target. Either way, all JC has to do is kick back and relax for now because he has solidified his spot in the final three!

I really want to see Tyler get evicted, but he probably won’t because it seems like everyone wants to keep him around. So, even if Tyler doesn’t win this veto, whoever does will probably vote to keep him. Ugh, it’s so annoying to think about.

Anyways guys, what do you think about this major shake-up that has taken place with JC finally winning one of the most important Head Of Household competitions of the freaking season? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

The only other most important HOH competition than this one is the final three part HOH competition which lets the winner decide who to take to the final two. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if JC could somehow pull that one out of a magic hat too? That would be so awesome. I never thought I’d be rooting for JC right now, but that stupid Foutte alliance left me no choice. JC is all we’ve got left to fight the almighty Level 6 alliance.

Who do you guys want to see get evicted next: Angela, Tyler or Kaycee? Let us know in the Facebook comments. I know I’m cool with either one of them going, but especially Tyler. I’m so tired of seeing him brag about how easy things have been. I’m like, “Get the hell out.”

Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this very special Big Brother season 20 crazy report. As always,you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Another new episode of Big Brother season 20 is scheduled to air tonight, September 19, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It’s going to feature the Power of Veto competition, Kaycee’s Power of Veto ceremony, the eviction of Sam, JC’s Head Of Household win, JC’s eviction nomination ceremony footage and much more. So, be sure to tune in to see all that great stuff. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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