Celebrity Big Brother Experienced Possible Major Change In Plans Last Night February 8

Celebrity Big Brother Experienced Possible Major Change In Plans Last Night February 8

Hey, Big Brother fans. We’ve got a new Celebrity Big Brother report for you guys today. It appears that James Maslow who was revealed to be on the chopping block with Chuck Liddell in last night’s episode started making a heavy scramble to get enough votes last night on the live feeds.

He’s fully aware that he’s the main target this week ,and he is in major desperate mode. According to Big Brother Network, James had a one on one conversation with Shannon Elizabeth at around 8:20 pm pacific time on the live feeds. During their conversation, James asked her if she would consider keeping him over Chuck this week.

She told him that she in fact was considering keeping him and talking about it with some of the other houseguests. However, there’s a big problem with this scenario. Most of the houseguests really want to go ahead and vote James out this week. Shannon encouraged James to possibly spill any secrets he has on Chuck to the other houseguests in an effort to get them to flip.

Shannon currently thinks Chuck, Omarosa and Keshia might have a side deal in the works. This makes Shannon nervous about keeping Chuck. Also, that stunt Chuck pulled with the mystery bags in last night’s episode didn’t bode well for Shannon’s radar on him.

Currently, James needs to convince five people to vote to keep him to avoid going home first. At one point, Shannon suggested they could possibly get Ariadna, Brandi, Ross, and Marissa’s votes.

After that, James went to work implementing his scrambling campaign to stay. We do admire his fight to stick around. He talked to Ross first since Ross is doing a good job pretending to be on everyone’s side. We don’t know how long that will last with this cast, but it seems to be working for now. Whatever pitch James gave to Ross didn’t seem to be very convincing.

Later on, Ross presented the idea of keeping James to Brandi, and she didn’t like it because she definitely thinks James would come after her if he won HOH later on down the road. Ross also talked to Marissa about possibly keeping James around, and she revealed that she didn’t like the idea either. She just wants to stick with the original plan to keep Chuck over James.

At around 10:40 pm Pacific time, Shannon made another last ditch pitch to Ross about keeping James. The angle she tried to present was that they need to get rid of Chuck and make James an ally. From there, they can target Keshia while she’s vulnerable in the next HOH.

Apparently, Shannon knows that Omarosa and Keshia are close. So, she wants to get rid of Keshia in an effort to weaken Omarosa’s game play. Unfortunately for Shannon, Ross wasn’t all that convinced by this pitch. So, Shannon just told him, “If the group is against it, I’ll give in and vote out James.”

At around 11 pm pacific time, Ariadna and Marissa were spotted chatting about doing a possible vote flip to keep James over Chuck. Marissa was still very opposed to the idea of keeping James. She said, “We’re making things messy just to have the same numbers as before.” Ariadna replied with, “Keeping Chuck would enable Chuck, Keshia and Omarosa. “Then Marissa said, “We only need to worry about Omarosa winning if they keep the plan as it is.”

So, as far as we know, things are still up in the air with it favoring James to still get evicted first. However, it’s reported that Shannon is still working hard to keep James in the house over Chuck. So, it’s expected that she’ll make one last push today before tonight’s eviction show.

It’s going to be a big two-hour show which is set to start at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. So, be sure to tune in for that tonight. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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