Celebrity Big Brother Eviction Nominees Revealed For February 11, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Eviction Nominees Revealed For February 11, 2018

Hey, Big Brother Fans. As previously reported, the HOH competition for the very first Celebrity edition of Big Brother took place a couple of hours after the live eviction show this past Friday night. The celebrity tv show host Ross Matthews was the one who pulled out the HOH victory.

Then yesterday, Saturday, February 10,2018, Ross made his nominations for who he wanted to see get evicted. According to the folks over at Big Brother Network and the footage on the live feeds, the nominees are Omarosa and Keshia. However, some new developments occurred yesterday and late last night that could cause this whole thing to get flipped yet again.

Guys, we might actually see another hardcore blindside during the next live eviction this Monday night! It turns out that Ross has put together a possible backdoor plan to target Shannon next. A few things still need to happen for this plan to be confirmed. They haven’t done the Power Of Veto comp yet. They need to make sure that Shannon doesn’t win it. If she doesn’t, the plan is definitely to flip things on her. Poor Shannon.

Anyways, let’s go over some of the events that led up to this shocking change of events yesterday. The first talks of possibly targeting Shannon started at around 11:10 am pacific time yesterday, February 10, 2018. Brandi Glanville suggested letting Metta win so he could target Shannon and James for them. She also said, “It’s the wrong approach to get rid of Metta earlier than their bigger targets.”

At around 11:30 am, Metta told Keshia, “We should have gotten rid of James and if Shannon hadn’t won veto, she would have been a good target too. We can’t pass up opportunities to backstab.”

At around 11:35 am, Ross told Brandi,Ariadna and Marissa, “I want to be in the final four with you. So, I need James and Shannon to just believe I am with them when I’m not.” Brandi told them, “You should definitely keep me around because you would all beat me in the end.”

At around 1:05 pm, Ross told Mark, “We need to keep an eye on Shannon and James.” Ross is planting seeds that Shannon and James could be forming a secret alliance. Mark replied with, “They are getting close. I’ll watch them.”

At around 1:15 pm, Shannon was seen having another conversation with Ross. She was trying to promise him that she doesn’t have any other secrets. She aso said she was sorry she didn’t tell them about her early deal with Omarosa.

At around 1:25 pm, Ariadna asked Ross if maybe they should nominate Shannon if Omarosa never returned from the hospital? Ross explained to her, “It’s too risky since Shannon would come for me if she won the veto.” After that, Ross mentioned that he wants to get Keshia out. Ariadna said she wanted to get Shannon out. Ross insisted that Shannon could possibly win veto though. Then he said,” We need to wait and see what happens at veto before deciding what to do about Shannon.”

At around 2:15 pm, Marissa and Ross had come into full agreement that if either Keshia or Omarosa somehow come off the block, Shannon should be the replacement for lying to them about her original deal with Omarosa. After that, Ross backtracked a little and said he would probably just consider putting up Shannon. So, the backstab wasn’t fully implemented yet.

At around 2:20 pm, Ross told Marissa that he has a lot of trust in Brandi and Ariadna. Marissa thinks James will flip on them if they try to take a shot at Shannon. At around 4:35 pm, Omarosa finally returned to the house after going to the hospital for that injury she incurred during the HOH competition.

At around 5:20 pm, Metta told Ross, “I should target James or Keshia for my best move.” At around 8:05 pm, the nomination ceremony ended with Keshia and Omarosa being nominated for eviction.

At around 8:15 pm,Keshia told Mark, “I now know that Omarosa is the source of the problems we’re having.” At around 8:25 pm, Omarosa talked with Ross. She told him she now has a new perspective on the game. She said, “I really enjoyed this experience and getting to just be around people and hang out. That’s something I haven’t been able to do in a long while.”

From there, Omarosa told Ross, “You could win the game at the end ,and you should take ownership of the vote-flip with Chuck if you get to the end.” Ross replied by denying the vote-flip was his idea.

At around 8:50 pm, Ariadna talked with Brandi and once again expressed how much she wants to see Shannon get ousted this round. She said she would much rather see Omarosa and Keshia stay over Shannon! Ariadna went on to say, “We should help Keshia win veto so we can have a chance to get Shannon put up and voted out.”

At around 9:00 pm, Ross had another conversation with Brandi. He told her that backdooring Shannon would be a shady move. Brandi responded by telling Ross, “The entire game is shady.” After that, Ross asked Brandi, “If we got final three with Ariadna, would you take her to final two over me?” Brandi admitted that she would take Ariadna over him. Ross told her, “You’re too honest.”

At around 10:15 pm, Omarosa told Ariadna, ” I’m going to fight to win that veto because I’m not ready to go yet. I really missed the housguests while I was outside the house.”

At around 12:15 am pacific time today, February 11,2018, Ross and Marissa finally decided that backdooring Shannon would actually be a good move, and that it would be respected. They also said they could tell James that Shannon wanted to get him out so he wouldn’t be mad at them for attempting the backdoor.

At around 12:25 am, Ross and Marissa continued talking about the possible Shannon backdoor play. They both agreed that they really need to do it. Ross said, “We should just go play hard.” Marissa agreed saying, “You have to do that when the game is so short.”

Marissa agreed to use the veto if she plays and wins it. Ross said, “We need to keep this plan under wraps until it can happen, and we know if we can get the votes.”

Alright guys. There it is. There’s a strong possible backdoor plan in play to get Shannon out as early as this Monday! However, there is still a POV comp to be played, and Shannon could very well win that one too just like she won the last one.

We expect the POV competition to be played sometime today or maybe tomorrow. We’re really not sure with this crazy schedule they’ve got going on. We do know a new episode is due to air tonight, February 11th at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. So, you’ll definitely want to tune in for that. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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