New Shadowhunters Season 3, March 27, 2018 Episode 2 Storyline Teasers Revealed By Freeform

New Shadowhunters Season 3, March 27, 2018 Episode 2 Storyline Teasers Revealed By Freeform

Hey, “Shadowhunters” fans. We’re back at you with a brand new post. In this post, we’ll be talking about what is in store for the next, new episode 2 of the current season 3. Freeform recently revealed their press release for this latest episode 2. It features a brief teaser description along with a title.

We’ve also got some intel from the preview clips that were released for episode 2. We’ll be giving you guys a link to those towards the end of this article. First off, episode 2 is entitled, “The Powers That Be.”

It sounds like there’s going to be some very interesting and intense things going on in this one as corruption starts to set in for The Warlocks. Izzy and Luke get real busy trying to locate additional intel about the recent possessions.

We’ll go ahead and start this teaser session off with the Luke and Izzy storyline. Freeform’s description tells us, “Izzy and Luke try to track down more information on the recent series of possessions.”

Will Izzy and Luke be able to find the intel they’re looking for? That’s the huge question for this particular plotline. It definitely sounds like it could offer up some intriguing scenes for us to look forward to.

This second storyline teaser reveals that we’ll see a demonic presence start to corrupt the Warlocks. Freeform’s description tells us, “The Warlocks’ magic is becoming corrupted by a demonic presence.”

That certainly sounds like it could give us some really intense scenes. In the preview clip for episode 2, Alec is seen talking at a huge meeting. He’s seen saying, “We are under siege by a greater demon.” That’s followed by a scene that features some hefty magical forces. Magnus is seen trying to emphasize how evil this magic is.

At one point in the clip, it’s suggested that the Warlocks be quarantined outside of the city. Clary and Isabelle are spotted quickly expressing their disagreement for that idea. The clip shows a scene where Magnus is seen trying to hold off a great force and danger with is powers, but he’s definitely running out of time.

The clip caps off with a very intense confrontation between Magnus and Lorenzo Rey the new high Warlock of Brooklyn. Lorenzo doesn’t seem nice at all as he threatens to banish who he thinks are problem Warlocks with no hesitation! You guys can check out that preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

There was also a second sneak peek clip that was released for episode 2. It features Simon and Maia in action. Simon is seen overhearing Maia stand up to some a-hole who tries to talk bad about Simon. Maia is seen telling the jerk, “My sex life is none of your business. Simon and I aren’t going anywhere. And just because Luke let you back into the pack, doesn’t mean I won’t kick your a#@! Don’t ever speak to me like that again.”

The second scene features Magnus and Alec showing up to some fancy warlock party shindig. At one point,they’re seen holding hands. During their conversation, Magnus tells Alec he really doesn’t want to be there longer than he has to. The clip caps off with Magnus and Alec being greeted by Lorenzo Rey. You guys can check out that sneak peek clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

Also, the people over at Spoiler TV released a ton of promotional photos for the new episode 2. They mostly show a lot of Alec, Magnus and Lorenzo Rey at that fancy warlock party. So, it looks like that scene will get a lot of attention in this installment. You guys can check out those promo pics over at Spoiler TV by Clicking Here.

The new episode 2 is scheduled to air on Tuesday night, March 27, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on Freeform. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Shadowhunters Facebook page for more Shadowhunters news by Clicking Here.

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