New Grey’s Anatomy Season 14, April 5, 2018 Episode 18 Storyline Teasers Revealed By ABC

Hey, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. We’re back at you with another new storyline preview thanks to the wonderful folks over at ABC. They recently put out a press release for the upcoming 18th episode of their hit medical drama. Their press release contains a brief teaser description of the storyline and some other goodies.
ABC also released a new preview clip for the 18th episode. We’ll go over that a little bit too, and we’ll give you guys a link to that clip. To start this session off, the press release revealed that episode 18 is labeled/entitled, “Hold Back the River.”
They started out their press release by putting in all caps:”AMELIA AND KORACICK PERFORM A RISKY PROCEDURE TO REMOVE A BRAIN TUMOR.” So, it definitely sounds like that could very well be the main focus or storyline of this episode.
In their main description, they expound a little more on it by revealing that the doctors will attempt a new, very innovative procedure to remove the tumor. ABC’s description reads like this, “Amelia, Koracick and DeLuca perform a risky, groundbreaking procedure using ultrasound waves to remove a young patient’s brain tumor.”
Will they be able to successfully pull off this very risky operation? That is obviously the huge question for this storyline. One thing that we know for sure is that it absolutely sounds like it could provide a lot of drama and suspense.
This second storyline teaser reveals that we’ll see some new scenes from Meredith and Jo. Apparently, they’ll be busy trying to correct some mistakes they’ve made with their project. ABC’s description tells us,”Meanwhile, Meredith and Jo work with different polymers to try to salvage their project submission.”
Will these two ladies be able to successfully fix what went wrong? That’s the major question for this particular situation. It sounds like it could offer up some interesting scenes as well.
ABC revealed one last storyline that we can expect to see. It will involve one of Richard’s AA sponsors. It turns out that he or she will be returning to Grey Sloan at some point. ABC’s description tells us, “Richard’s AA sponsor is admitted to Grey Sloan with a DNR.”
As I mentioned earlier in this article, ABC released a new preview clip for episode 18. It features a very intense and dramatic moment between Alex, Tom and Amelia. Tom doesn’t want to perform a very risky procedure, but Alex really wants to and gets very violent about it by shoving Tom up against a wall! Meanwhile, Amelia tries to break up their fight.
Owen is seen telling April,”You don’t deserve being crucified for one bad move.” This is looking like the setup for April’s departure. April is also seen apologizing to Jackson at one point. Richard is seen telling someone that he’s not going to let them die. Meredith is seen in a couple of the scenes and more. You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 18 over at Youtube by Clicking Here.
This episode will also feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Jason George as character Ben Warren, Greg Germann as character Tom Koracick, Jeanine Jason as character Sam Bello, Alex Blue Davis as character Casey Parker, Jake Borelli as character Levi Schmitt and Jaicy Elliot as character Taryn Helm.
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 18 are: Ellen Pompeo as character Meredith Grey, Justin Chambers as character Alex Karev, Chandra Wilson as character Miranda Bailey, James Pickens Jr. as character Richard Webber, Kevin McKidd as character Owen Hunt, Jessica Capshaw as character Arizona Robbins.
Jesse Williams as character Jackson Avery, Sarah Drew as character April Kepner, Caterina Scorsone as character Amelia Shepherd, Camilla Luddington as character Jo Wilson, Kelly McCreary as character Maggie Pierce and Giacomo Gianniotti as character Andrew DeLuca.
Episode 18 was written by Alex Manugian, and Geary McLeod was brought n to direct it. Episode 18 is scheduled to air this Thursday night, April 5, 2018 in it’s usual 7 pm central time slot on ABC. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page for more Grey’s Anatomy news by Clicking Here.
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