‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Reese Will Get Highly Questioned About Where He Got That New Baby This Week

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Reese Will Get Highly Questioned About Where He Got That New Baby This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far. We’ve got some very interesting news to share with you today regarding Reese and that cute, adorable baby he’s trying to sell off to the highest bidder. It turns out that he’s going to get highly questioned about where he exactly got this baby. What’s more interesting is the person who’s questioning him about it.

It’s his new partner in crime Florence. You guys remember her, right? She’s the new girl who showed up on the scene, pretending to be the actual mother of the sweet, little baby Reese is trying to sell to Taylor and Steffy. Well, it turns out that she’s definitely not in the loop on everything, especially when it comes to where Reese got that baby.

CBS released a new preview clip for this week’s January 21 to 25,2019 episodes. Judging by what I’ve seen in it, I’m starting to really think that new baby could actually be Hope’s even though we don’t have official confirmation from CBS.

In the clip, Reese seems very reluctant to tell Florence where he got the baby from. We don’t know if he actually tells her since the promo is all cut up, sliced, diced and edited. But in the scenes they did show, Florence is questioning whether she can trust Reese, and she is demanding that he tell her where he got that baby from right now!.

In the scene, Florence is seen asking Reese,”Is it safe for me to trust you? I need to know how you ended up with that baby. I need to know now!” After that, it cuts to another scene with Reese telling Florance,”My daughter’s life depends on what I do next.” It looks pretty intense, guys.

Also, featured in the new preview clip are new Thorne and Katie scenes. It appears that Thorne is pitching out some possible negative statements to Katie in this one. He’s seen telling her, “It can be dangerous sometimes, opening your heart to someone completely. Love’s a risk.” Katie looks confused about what he’s trying to say. Then it shows brief snapshots of Thorne watching Bill, Katie and Will hugging ,and him feeling left out.

As we previously reported, we’re still trying to figure out what they’re going to do with Thorne’s character now that his portrayer Ingo Radamacher is leaving. Will they replace him and keep the Thorne character in the picture? Or will they just have Thorne run off and leave Katie in the dust?

We’re still not totally sure just yet. Nothing in any of the current, future teasers are indicating anything. So, we’re just going to have to wait a little while longer to get official confirmation on that. It does appear that Thorne might start acting a little strange though. We’ll keep an eye out on him. You guys can view the new Bold AndThe Beautiful preview clip for the upcoming January 21 to 25, 2019 episodes over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

In related news, we’re hearing that Hope is just going to keep getting worse with all of her tears and lashing out. This time, Hope is going to go off on Liam! She will accuse him of not caring as much about Beth’s supposed death since he still has his precious baby Kelly with Steffy. We’re sure Hope’s anger will only get amplified when she finds out that Steffy is adopting a new baby, which ironically, could turn out to be Hope’s baby. This show is just a mess. A great, big mess. I like it though.

So, how do you guys feel about Reese getting questioned by the main person he’s working with to pull off this baby heist? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest Bold And The Beautiful report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    I don’t like the show now. I’m not watching it/ I want Hope to get her baby back. I lost a baby it brings back everything

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