Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Second Power Of Veto Ceremony Results Revealed For January 23, 2019

Hey, Big Brother peeps. The news is coming fast these days. We’re back at you with yet another report from inside the Celebrity Big Brother house. It turns out that the Power Of Veto ceremony has already taken place this week, and the results are in!
We previously told you that former Whitehouse director houseguest Andrew “The Mooch” Scaramucci quit the game this past weekend. At that time, he was nominated for eviction along with actor Jonathan Bennett and comedian Tom Green.
It’s reported that actually two Power Of Veto competitions were played for some reason. Former NFL football player Ricky Williams reportedly won the first Power Of Veto competition. Then former OJ Simpson idiot witness Kato Kaelin won the second Power Of Veto comp. The second one is the one that counts since Kato is the one who held today’s Power Of Veto Ceremony.
We had mentioned in a previous report that Kato was seen chatting with Tom about taking him off the chopping block yesterday, January 22, 2019 on the live feeds. It turns out that conversation proved to be very significant because Kato did indeed decide to use his Power Of Veto to save Tom from eviction during today’s Power Of Veto Ceremony!
That, of course, meant that the reigning Head Of Household Ryan Lochte had to replace Tom with someone else. And that unlucky someone else turned out to be former Blossom actor Joey Lawrence. Woah! For those of you who don’t know, that “Woah” was a pun from Joey’s Blossom character.
Anyways, he is now on the chopping block with former Xscape singer Kandi Burrus and Jonathan. Kandi replaced Anthony on the chopping block earlier this week. So, those are the folks that are in some hefty trouble right now. Anyone of them could be the next to leave the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 house. We just don’t know. We just don’t know. What we do know is that they are the final nominees this week. So, one of them is certainly going home.
As we previously reported, Anthony turned up in Davos,Switzerland earlier today,January 23, 2019 for a business conference. While there, he revealed that his big reason for leaving Celebrity Big Brother early, will be revealed in this Friday’s January 25, 2019 episode. He signed a confidentiality agreement. So, he couldn’t say anything else about it.
Alright guys. So, how do you feel about the replacement nominees for this week. Are you happy about them? Are you sad about them? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
As always, you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
That’s all we’ve got for you guys in this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more. A new episode of Celebrity Big Brother season 2 is scheduled to air tonight, January 23, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.