New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Head Of Household Winner Revealed For January 29, 2019

New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Head Of Household Winner Revealed For January 29, 2019

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. As most of you know, poor Ryan Lochte go the eviction boot last night after getting backdoored during Kato Kaelin’s Head Of Household reign. Later on after last night’s LIVE eviction show, the remaining houseguests competed in a new Head Of Household competition to see who would be running things this round.

According the folks over at Big Brother Network and the Live feeds, comedian Tom Green emerged the new HOH winner! He and Kato are aligned. So, it appears that those two will be running things again for round three.

Big Brother Network pointed out that it sounds like last night’s Head Of Household competition had the houseguests competing in a haunted house challenge of some sort. It was one of those timed events.

We do know things are going to take a bit of a turn this round because host Julie Chen announced during last night’s live eviction show that a new twist is currently in play. It’s called the “Power Of The Publicist” twist. Get it? Because most celebrities have publicist. Oh well. It’s kinda cute.

Anyways, this new twist will give the houseguest that receives it the power to remove themselves from the nomination chopping block during one of the next two nomination ceremonies or Power Of Veto ceremonies! The power can only be used once, and it expires right after the Power Of Veto ceremony that’s scheduled to take place on Monday afternoon, February 4, 2019 if it’s not used by then.

Julie also revealed that America gets to choose who gets this power by tweeting out a hashtag along with the houseguests they want to receive it. Tomorrow night, January 30, 2019, they’re going to reveal who the lucky winner of the “Power Of The Publicist” power is. It’s going to be revealed on tomorrow’s episode.

How do you guys feel about this new Power Of The Publicist twist and about Tom Green being the new Head Of Household for round 3? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

A few interesting conversations took place on the live feeds last night after the live eviction. Lolo was feeling really bad about voting Ryan out. Tom told Lolo, “Ryan isn’t upset ,and we’ll all laugh about this when it’s over.”

Eva Marie mentioned to Dina, Kandi and Tamar that she thinks Joey is the next target. Joey was seen complaining yet again. He told Kato,” I’m unhappy. I don’t like this situation. I want to act out characters, not be a reality TV persona.”

At one point,Joey told Eva Marie,”I’m not sad. I’m just ready to move on and let you all play against each other after I’m gone.” Loud mouth Tamar told Joey, “You have 20 more minutes to sulk. Then it’s time to put on your big boy pants and play the game.” Joey said, “If we can get Kandi and Dina to join us, we would just need one more to turn the game.”

The Head Of Household competition ended real late around 1:08 am pacific time today, January 29, 2019. At around 1:40 am, discussions started up about backdooring poor Joey.

At around 3:20 am, Kato suggested that they nominate Kandi and Tamar. Then attempt to backdoor Joey. They don’t want to nominate Joey straight up just in case he wins the Power Of Veto. Lastly, Tom said he didn’t want to get rid of Dina this round. That wrapped up the live feeds chit chats. You guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Celebrity Big Brother season 2 report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Another new episode of Celebrity Big Brother is scheduled to air tomorrow night, January 30, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.

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