Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists Producer Revealed Why It’s A Better Spin Off Than Ravenswood

Hey, “Pretty Little Liars” fans. We’ve got some new, very interesting details for the new spin off series “The Perfectionists.” The show’s producer Marlene King recently revealed just exactly why The Perfectionists is going to a be a way better Pretty Little Liars spin off than Ravenswood was back in 2014.
I don’t know how many of you guys caught the Ravenswood spin off back in 2014. It came and went pretty quickly because it totally flopped. It featured character Hanna Marin’s boyfriend Caleb Rivers and a host of other characters. The show featured secrets and ghosts. It got sent to cancelville after just one season by the then network ABC Family. It was reported that a lot of fans started complaining, “WTF, why am I watching a show about ghosts?”
In her interview with the folks over at, Marlene revealed that The Perfectionists spin off will be way more like the Pretty Little Liars show the fans have grown to know and love.
She also said Ravenswood just wasn’t enough like Pretty Little Liars stating, “I don’t think Ravenswood was close enough to what Pretty Little Liars was. This show lives in the Pretty Little Liars world and tonally feels very much like PLL. I think fans are going to be really excited.”
Kelly Rutherford, who is playing character Claire Hotchkiss on The Perfectionists spin off, said some very positive words about it. She thinks it’s a fresh version of Pretty Little Liars, and fans will really be drawn into the characters. She explained, “It’s a fresh version of something that worked really well. You really can’t help but to be drawn into these characters. And Marlene really weaves the relationships, the characters, and the suspense of everyone so beautifully together.”
Mona Vanderwaal star Janel Parrish said, “Fans of PLL who grew up watching the show will relate to this kind of new, mature version.”
In regards to the timing of The Perfectionists, Marlene told them, “We wanted to wait long enough for fans to feel like they were maybe ready for some more Pretty Little Liars. So, I think it will be perfect timing.”
Janel Parrish said The Perfectionists is way darker and edgier stating, “I hope the fans of PLL who grew up watching the show will relate to this kind of new, mature version. It’s darker. It’s edgier. Things just feel a little bit more grown up, and it’s still just as juicy.”
Additionally, Cosmopolitan revealed that they spoke to Janel about how The Perfectionists spin off came about. Janel revealed that Marlene was already thinking about the idea while they were filming the final Pretty Little Liars episode about two and a half years ago!
Janel explained, “We were filming our final PLL episode, and Marlene came up to me on set and said, ‘I just don’t know if I’m ready to say goodbye to Mona. What if I told you we didn’t have to?’ And I was like, ‘The answer is yes.’ She told me about this idea she had for The Perfectionists and taking my character and Alison’s character into Beacon Heights. That was almost two and a half years ago, and here we are.”
Wow, what a pretty interesting story. Well, there you have it, guys. That’s why The Perfectionists will be a way better spin off show than “Ravenswood” was.
That’s all we’ve got for this “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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